Chapter 4: Program Administration


Section 1: Procedures

Anchor: #i998821

Material Maintained

Relocation assistance offices shall maintain and provide the following information for each ROW project:

    Anchor: #UKEBHWSH
  • current information on availability, purchase prices, and rental costs of DSS residential dwellings available in the area. TxDOT is responsible for providing each residential displacee with at least one comparable replacement dwelling similar to his/her original ownership/tenancy status. If the displacee desires alternate housing, or a change in his/her ownership/tenancy status, the relocation assistance officer shall make reasonable effort to accommodate his/her desire. Current information on the availability, purchase price, and rental cost of suitable commercial and farm properties for displaced businesses;
  • Anchor: #UQETVHJW
  • current information on security deposits, closing costs, typical down payments, interest rates, and other financing terms;
  • Anchor: #JDJWHEBN
  • maps showing locations of schools, parks, playgrounds, and retail businesses;
  • Anchor: #CIDXLGKO
  • schedules, routes, and costs for public transportation;
  • Anchor: #PBVUSKSE
  • copies of TxDOT’s Relocation Assistance booklet;
  • Anchor: #IVWQMHXS
  • apartment directories and multiple listing services, as available. Keep neighborhood and metropolitan newspapers that provide information on properties for sale or rent.
Anchor: #i998863

Delivery of Payment

Deliver relocation payments to payees personally or by certified mail with return receipt requested. These payments shall not be delivered by persons who:

When payment is delivered personally, document the project file with a receipt signed by the payee including the:

The relocation agent may accompany the person delivering the payment to identify the payee.

These provisions shall apply when relocation payments and services are administered by other agencies under contract or agreement with TxDOT.

Anchor: #i998913

Coordination of Relocation Assistance Activities

TxDOT relocation assistance activities shall be coordinated with other project work tasks and other State, Federal, and local agencies causing displacement. This coordination provides consistent treatment to displacees and reduces duplication of activities.

TxDOT shall not compete with private enterprise when providing relocation assistance.

TxDOT shall avoid involvement in a displacee’s private affairs.

TxDOT shall avoid fraud, waste and mismanagement associated with relocation assistance.

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