Section 4: Minimum Relocation Assistance Advisory Services for Residential Displacees

Anchor: #i999156

Requirements Applicable to Residential Displacees Only

The relocation needs and preferences of residential displacees shall be determined. An explanation of the relocation payments and other assistance for which the displacee may be eligible, the related eligibility requirements, and the procedures for obtaining such assistance shall be provided. A personal interview with each displacee shall include the following assistance or information:

    Anchor: #IUFPWBVC
  • Current and continuing information on the availability, purchase prices and rental costs of comparable replacement dwellings.
  • Anchor: #QQKHXWLK
  • Explanation of the fact that person cannot be required to move unless at least one comparable replacement dwelling is made available.
  • Anchor: #SPETHVOV
  • Written notification, as soon as feasible, of the specific comparable replacement dwelling and the price, or rent, used for establishing the upper limit of the replacement housing payment. The notification shall include the basis for the determination, so that the displacee is aware of the maximum replacement housing payment for which person may qualify.
  • Anchor: #LUMNOXWU
  • If feasible, housing shall be inspected prior to being made available to assure that it meets applicable standards. If such an inspection is not made, TxDOT shall notify the displacee that a replacement housing payment shall not be made unless the replacement dwelling is subsequently inspected and determined to be DSS.
  • Anchor: #KJBXNQOJ
  • If feasible, minority persons shall be given reasonable opportunities to relocate to DSS replacement dwellings not located in an area of minority concentration, that are within their financial means. This policy, however, does not require TxDOT to provide a larger payment than necessary, to enable a displacee to relocate to a comparable replacement dwelling.
  • Anchor: #VHEWOVSG
  • TxDOT shall offer residential displacees transportation to inspect housing to which they are referred.
  • Anchor: #FUJPWIWD
  • Any displaced person that may be eligible for government housing assistance at the replacement dwelling shall be advised of any requirements of such government housing assistance program that would limit the size of the replacement dwelling, as well as of the long term nature of such rent subsidy, and the limited duration (42 months) of the relocation rental assistance payment.
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