Anchor: #i1001058

Section 2: Acronyms and Definitions

Anchor: #i1001067

Acronyms Used in This Manual


Texas Transportation Commission


Relocation Assistance Review Committee


Code of Federal Regulations


Comptroller of Public Accounts


Disadvantaged Business Enterprise


District Engineer


Decent, Safe, and Sanitary


Federal Housing Administration


Federal Highway Administration


Fair Market Rent


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


Local Public Agency, i.e., a municipality, county, city, etc.


Local Government


Mortgage Interest Differential Payment


Nonprofit Organization


Negotiated Self-Move


Office of the Attorney General


Outdoor Advertising Signs (billboards; off-premise advertising signs; commercial signs)


Personal Property Only


Rental Assistance Payment


Residential Comparison Index


Right of Way Control Section Job


Replacement Housing Payment


Right of Way

ROW Division

Right of Way Division


Right of Way Project Delivery

ROW PD Manager

Right of Way Project Delivery Manager

ROW Program Office

Right of Way Division Program Office


Right of Way Acquisition Professional Services


Substitute Personal Property


Texas Identification Number System




Texas Department of Transportation


Veterans Affairs

Anchor: #i1001165

Definitions Used in This Manual

Decent, Safe, and Sanitary Dwelling - A decent, safe and sanitary (DSS) dwelling is a dwelling that meets applicable plumbing, electrical, housing and occupancy codes. These standards shall be met, unless waived for good cause by the FHWA. A complete description of the features required can be found in Chapter 19: Decent, Safe, and Sanitary (DSS) Standards.

Down Payment Assistance - The amount necessary to enable an eligible displaced person to make a down payment (including eligible incidental purchase expenses) on the purchase of an eligible replacement dwelling. Payment is limited to the maximum rent supplement calculated for the displaced person. A 90-day owner occupant is not eligible for this type of payment.

Eminent Domain - Authority to exercise the power to take private property for public use upon payment of just or adequate compensation, based on the theory that property is granted to the property owner upon condition that it may be taken to serve the necessities of the sovereign power. Agencies created by the state to serve the public may exercise the power of eminent domain where that power is conferred by statute.

Incidental Expense - The amount necessary to pay or reimburse an eligible displaced person for certain actual costs incurred by the displaced person, incidental to the purchase of an eligible replacement dwelling, including but not limited to recording fees, escrow fees, title insurance premiums, appraisal fees, credit report fees, and home inspection fees.

Last Resort Housing - The term applies when it has been determined that comparable replacement housing cannot be made available under normal conditions and cost limitations as described in the residential-related Chapters 15, 16, 17 and 18 of this manual.

Mortgage Interest Differential Payment (MIDP) - The amount, as determined by TxDOT, necessary to compensate a 90-day owner occupant for an increased interest cost required to obtain a mortgage for the purpose of purchasing an eligible replacement dwelling. In order to qualify for the MIDP, the owner must have a 180-day bona fide mortgage on the displacement dwelling.

Nonresidential - The term nonresidential includes a business operation, farm operation, or NPO.

Off-System - Off the TxDOT-designated highway system. (source: TxDOT Glossary October 2013)

On-System - On the TxDOT-designated highway system. (source: TxDOT Glossary October 2013)

OnBase - OnBase is the enterprise content management platform used by TxDOT to electronically store documents.

Personal Property Only (PPO) - A move of personal property from the acquired property for project purposes, where there is not a need for a full relocation of a residence and/or a nonresidential operation.

Price Differential - That amount, in addition to the just compensation paid by TxDOT, which is necessary to enable an eligible displaced person to purchase and occupy a decent, safe and sanitary replacement dwelling. The computation is based on the most comparable dwelling selected by TxDOT.

Rental Assistance Payment (RAP) - The amount, determined by TxDOT, necessary to compensate an eligible displaced person for the increased cost of renting and occupying a decent, safe and sanitary replacement dwelling. The computation is based on the most comparable dwelling selected by TxDOT. The payment is determined by multiplying 42 times the amount obtained by subtracting the rent, plus utilities, for the displacement dwelling from the rent, plus utilities, at the replacement site, not to exceed the previously approved amount.

Replacement Housing Payment (RHP) - Any payment, or combination of payments, authorized to be paid to eligible displaced persons to enable such displaced persons to obtain decent, safe and sanitary replacement housing.

ROW Project Delivery (ROW PD) files - These are the files (aka parcel or project files) maintained in ROW PD offices, or if applicable, a TxDOT representative's office files, i.e. ROWAPS Provider.

TxDOTCONNECT (TxC) - TxDOT's custom-built system for managing the delivery of transportation programs, projects, and right of way. Visit TxDOT's website for more TxDOTCONNECT resources.

Uniform Act - The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91-646, 84 Stat. 1894; 42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.) and amendments thereto.

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