Section 5: Other Applicable Relocation Advisory Services

Anchor: #i999201


    Anchor: #HQCIFRBD
  • Current and continuing information on the availability, purchase prices and rental costs of suitable commercial and farm properties and locations shall be provided to non-residential displacees. Assistance in obtaining, or becoming established in, a suitable replacement location shall be provided to any person displaced from a business, NPO, or farm operation.
  • Anchor: #BWCFUKBK
  • Counseling shall be provided to the displacee in order to minimize the adjustment period caused by the relocation.
  • Anchor: #YFGNRSJE
  • Appropriate information concerning Federal and State housing programs, disaster loan and other programs administered by the Small Business Administration, and other Federal and State programs offering assistance to displaced persons shall be provided to the displacee, as well as technical help when applying for such assistance.
  • Anchor: #QRJATYDI
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP) encounters shall be tracked in TxC. These individuals need access to the same benefits, programs, information and services provided to everyone else. Tracking these encounters helps TxDOT stay in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Refer to the TxC Tracking LEP Encounters job aid.
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