Section 3: Replacement Housing Entitlements for 90-Day Mobile Home Owner-Occupants

Anchor: #i1000965

State Acquires Mobile Home and Site

If the owner of a displaced mobile home and site elects to purchase a replacement dwelling and site, compute the supplement, if any, according to provisions of Computation of Housing Supplement and base the supplement on the cost of a comparable mobile home and site.

In determining the amount of the supplement, select three comparables, if available, and tabulate them on form ROW-R-107 Supplemental Payment Estimate, Replacement Housing. Make a careful analysis of these comparables and include support for the selected comparable on form ROW-R-107 Supplemental Payment Estimate, Replacement Housing.

Indicate the one property most comparable to the subject in all respects by an asterisk on form ROW-R-107 Supplemental Payment Estimate, Replacement Housing. Consider this property’s listing price as the cost of a replacement dwelling. Subtract the value of the subject property from the probable selling price of the comparable. The result is the maximum amount the 180-day owner-occupant is eligible to receive for purchase of a replacement dwelling.

If the computed housing supplement exceeds $31,000, handle under the provisions for Last Resort Housing.

If the displacee elects to purchase a replacement dwelling but rents a replacement site, the replacement housing payment, if any, is:

    Anchor: #QCEBKQRF
  • the price differential between the acquired mobile home and the lesser of 1) the price of the selected comparable; or 2) the actual cost of the DSS replacement dwelling, plus
  • Anchor: #BTUVINFV
  • the difference in the amount determined necessary to rent a comparable mobile home site for 42 months (42 times the fair market rent of the site acquired).

The replacement housing payment in the above example shall not exceed the total payment if the owner-occupant had purchased both the replacement dwelling and site.

Show all payments and incidental costs (mentioned in the preceding subsection) on the closing statement.

If the displacee elects to rent a replacement dwelling and site, he/she may be entitled to a payment not to exceed $7,200. Compute this supplement according to policies and procedures in Rental Assistance Payment.

Anchor: #i1001028

State Acquires Mobile Home Only, Owner-Occupant Rents Site

When the State acquires an owner-occupant mobile home located on a rented site, the replacement housing supplement, if any, is:

    Anchor: #PASSJPEV
  • the probable amount determined necessary to purchase a comparable mobile home (without land) less the amount for which the State acquired the displacee’s mobile home; plus
  • Anchor: #QBLERROB
  • the difference in the amount determined necessary to rent a comparable mobile home site for 42 months (42 times the rent being paid for the site acquired).

The rental assistance payment for the site may be used to lease a replacement site; may be applied to the purchase price of a replacement site; or may be applied with any replacement housing payment attributable to the mobile home, to the purchase of a replacement mobile home or conventional DSS dwelling.

If the displacee elects to rent a replacement dwelling and site, then the supplement, if any, may not exceed $7,200 and is computed according to policies and procedures in Rental Assistance Payment. This rent supplement may not exceed the approved payment to purchase a replacement site.


State Acquires Site Only from Owner-Occupant of Mobile Home

When the State acquires a site but not the mobile home on the site, and the mobile home must be moved, then the replacement housing payment is the amount, if any, that when added to the amount for which the State acquired the site, equals the lesser of:

    Anchor: #AOESYOFC
  • the amount the owner must pay for a replacement site; or
  • Anchor: #LBBNOYSK
  • the amount determined by TxDOT as necessary to purchase a comparable replacement site.

If the owner-occupant of the displaced mobile home elects to rent a replacement mobile home site, compute the supplement (not to exceed $7,200) according to policies and procedures in Rental Assistance Payment. This rent supplement may not exceed the approved payment to purchase a replacement site.

Anchor: #i1001087

State Acquires Rental Site but Owner-Occupied Mobile Home Not Acquired.

When a rental site is acquired, but the mobile home on the site is not acquired and must be moved, the owner-occupant of the mobile home is eligible for a supplemental payment:

If the rent supplement discussed in the preceding subsection exceeds $7,200, then the owner is entitled to a payment as a displaced 90-day tenant-occupant according to Computation of Payments on last resort housing.

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