Chapter 7: Public Information


Section 1: Types of Public Information

Anchor: #i998718

Public Hearings

Relocation assistance services and benefits, as well as TxDOT’s replacement housing policy, shall be presented and discussed at public hearings. TxDOT’s Environmental Procedures in Project Development Manual describes in detail information to be presented at such hearings.

Anchor: #i998731

Relocation Assistance Booklet

This booklet that is available in English and Spanish:

    Anchor: #GKVQWLIB
  • describes TxDOT’s policies on: moving costs, supplemental housing benefits, incidental expenses, review procedures, and replacement housing.
  • Anchor: #LODYBKCU
  • shall be made available, without cost, at public hearings and to interested individuals and organizations.
Anchor: #i998753

Local News Media

Use of local news or other media is at the discretion of the District Engineer. Document media use in ROW PD files.

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