Chapter 23: Appeals Process


Section 1: Appeal Provisions

Anchor: #i998927


The Relocation Assistance Review Committee (Committee) will be appointed by TxDOT’s Executive Director from staff not directly involved in actions being appealed.

Applications for review must be submitted in writing to the appropriate ROW PD office within 90 days after the applicant receives notice of relocation entitlements. Each application for review must state the specific relocation benefit or payment amount to which the claimant believes he/she is entitled.

An applicant who files a written review request with TxDOT has a right to be represented, at his/her own expense, by legal counsel or other representative in connection with his/her appeal.

An applicant who has filed a written review request with TxDOT will be permitted to inspect and copy all non-confidential materials pertinent to his/her request. TxDOT may impose reasonable conditions on the applicant’s right to inspect, if consistent with applicable laws.

An applicant desiring to have his/her grievance reviewed by the Committee will be furnished form ROW-R-109 Request for Review of Relocation Assistance Payment. However, TxDOT will consider any written review request regardless of the form used.

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