Chapter 8: Relocation Program Planning & Construction


Section 1: Stage Requirements


ROW Stage Requirements

Requests from ROW PD to the ROW Program Office for authorization to acquire ROW for a project must include:

    Anchor: #JXNIJVON
  • an estimate of the number of households to be displaced, the types of dwellings, and ownership or tenancy status. This estimate should include special consideration of the impacts on minorities, the elderly, large families, and persons with disabilities, when applicable;
  • Anchor: #VOPPPLJL
  • an estimate of the number, type and size of businesses, farms and NPOs to be displaced. This estimate should identify any non-residential displacements that may involve complex or lengthy moves, and address those with limited financial resources and/or limited alternative replacement sites;
  • Anchor: #ONQMYESK
  • an estimate of the number of replacement dwellings and sites available for both residential and non-residential displacees. This estimate should include a statement noting any housing ordinances or applicable codes that may affect replacement housing, or the ability of a non-residential displacee to relocate to an adequate replacement site;
  • Anchor: #VRPTNKLI
  • consideration of any special relocation advisory services that may be necessary from TxDOT and other cooperating Agencies;
  • Anchor: #HGLDKSDU
  • one copy of the District-approved ROW map.

If there are no displacements or local housing occupancy ordinances or codes, notify the ROW Program Office of this fact in writing.

If replacement housing is not available under normal conditions or within cost limitations, include a specific request to use last resort housing in ROW PD’s request for authorization to acquire ROW. This request must accompany a report stating the need for last resort housing.

When ROW is acquired in hardship cases, or for protective buying, relocation planning may be submitted on an individual basis.

Anchor: #i998770

Construction Stage Requirements

Make comparable replacement housing available to displacees. Offer replacement housing, or the assistance necessary to provide this replacement housing to the displacee according to Replacement Housing Policy. In ROW PD files, document that comparable replacement housing was made available to displacees before project construction bids were advertised.

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