Chapter 25: Payment Submissions

Anchor: #i1015094

Section 1: Guidelines for Electronic Submissions

Anchor: #i1016991

Electronic Approval Submissions

Relocation program materials shall be submitted for approval to the dedicated email address: Upon approval, ROW PD shall upload the program materials onto OnBase under Relocation Approvals.

Standard processing time by the ROW Program Office is within 48 hours from receipt, assuming no deficiencies.

Anchor: #i1026119

Electronic Payment Submissions

Use TxC to process payments involving right of way acquisition, relocation assistance or utility adjustments. See the TxC Processing Payments Job Aid. Once submitted, the TxC Payment ID is routed to the appropriate reviewer group in the ROW Program Office for final review. ROW PD shall upload the supporting documentation for the payment onto OnBase under Relocation-Claims.

Standard processing time by the ROW Program Office is within 48 hours from receipt, assuming no deficiencies.

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