Chapter 16: Entitlements for 90-Day Owner-Occupants


Section 1: Payment Options

Anchor: #i1003089


A displaced 90-day owner-occupant may receive a replacement housing payment:

    Anchor: #DVOMILJG
  • for the additional cost necessary to purchase replacement housing (price differential);
  • Anchor: #VWSGQWQY
  • to compensate the owner for loss of favorable financing on his/her existing mortgage in financing of replacement housing if the owner has a 180-day bona fide mortgage on the displacement dwelling; and
  • Anchor: #MSAKNGWO
  • to reimburse the owner for certain incidental expenses related to the purchase of replacement housing.

The combined total of these amounts may not exceed $31,000. If the displaced owner elects to rent a replacement dwelling, he/she may be eligible for a rental assistance payment not to exceed what he/she would receive under the price differential option.

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