Section 3: Payments and Authorization

Anchor: #i999740


Last resort housing payments shall be paid in a lump sum to the displacee, except when TxDOT finds that handling a relocation payment on an installment basis is better. When installment payments are warranted, obtain advance approval for such payment in writing from the ROW PD Manager before making a commitment to the displacee. The written approval shall be included with the request for payment submission.

Submit all last resort housing claims according to Computation of Payments: Replacement Housing Payment and Entitlements for 90-Day Owner-Occupants.

Anchor: #i999759


Specific authorization is required to make relocation payments under provisions of Last Resort Housing. Handle requests for this authorization according to the following procedures.

If a need for Last Resort Housing becomes apparent before a General Expenditure Authorization is issued for a ROW project, submit a request for use of such housing to the ROW Program Office with TxDOT expenditure authorization request as described in Computation of Payments: Replacement Housing Payment. In the release request, include a report of residential displacee needs as described below.

If the need for Last Resort Housing arises after a ROW project is released for ROW acquisition, submit a request to use Last Resort Housing to the ROW Program Office with a report of the residential displacee needs. In the report, cover all residential occupants who must be moved from the project area and include, as a minimum, the following information. Negative statements will be made where applicable.

    Anchor: #HPBXRRKH
  • Tabulation of affected parcels;
  • Anchor: #MNLOPIJM
  • Tabulation of residential displacees by their occupancy status (owner or tenant), and by type of dwelling from which displaced (e.g., single family, apartment, mobile home);
  • Anchor: #EDFVNXGJ
  • Explanation of the need for Last Resort Housing;
  • Anchor: #RMKWXVJS
  • Estimate of the following items:
      Anchor: #IIGHAOTC
    • total amount of funds for last resort housing supplements, including increased interest and incidental expenses. Show the number of displaced owner-occupants who will or may be entitled to a Last Resort Housing supplement in parentheses following this cost estimate.
    • Anchor: #TNXOARET
    • total amount of funds for last resort rental supplements. Show the number of tenant displacees who will or may be entitled to a Last Resort Rental supplement in parentheses following this cost estimate.
  • Anchor: #DUFNBRPU
  • Any other comments pertinent to the provision of replacement housing.
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