Chapter 6: Annual Performance Achievement Report

Anchor: #i999212

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i999217


Texas Transportation Code Title 6, Subchapter A, Chapter 201, Section 201.807 requires the development of an annual report to document the success rate of transportation projects included in the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT’s) work program being completed on time and on budget.

Since 2014, TxDOT’s Transportation Planning and Programming Division (TPP) develops the Annual Portfolio Achievement Report (APAR) in response to the requirements of the Texas Transportation Code. The APAR facilitates communication between those who plan projects, those who develop and schedule projects, and those who forecast and manage the financial resources of the agency.

Anchor: #i999235


    Anchor: #OBKIRUOD
  • Reports on the agencies accomplishments in the previous fiscal year and includes any recommendations and next steps for next fiscal year.
  • Anchor: #OFVDHVCQ
  • Reports on the performance measures focused on the TxDOT goal “Deliver the Right Projects—implement effective planning and forecasting processes that deliver the right projects on time and on budget.”
  • Anchor: #QNFQNKRX
  • Highlights the anticipated next steps and recommendations in TxDOT’s continued efforts to ensure the delivery of the right projects.
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