Chapter 13: Data Management

Anchor: #i998926

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i998931


The Data Management section-

    Anchor: #OVXQBBAM
  • Maintains information and resources to support project and portfolio performance management
  • Anchor: #CLURISJJ
  • Manages the Highway Performance Monitoring System and performs annual certification of public road mileage for the state
  • Anchor: #DMDCFNCX
  • Performs annual county mileage certification, and maintains Geospatial Roadway Inventory Database and oversight of Roadway Inventory Program for over 300,000 miles of public roads
  • Anchor: #FRLQCSOY
  • Develops highway designation minute orders for consideration by the Commission
  • Anchor: #CDJAGYQF
  • Publishes the Statewide Planning Map, Departmental Map, and State Railroad Map
  • Anchor: #QMBUCOQD
  • Maintains GIS data for all public roads, city limits, railroad lines and various base map layers
  • Anchor: #TQATNWIT
  • Provides and supports GIS coordination efforts and requests between Commissioner's, Administration, Districts, Divisions and external customers including public and private entities

The Data Management section of TPP has developed a Wiki environment to document their procedures.

Anchor: #i998941

Data Management Wiki Topics

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