Section 3: Invoices

Anchor: #i1001344

Invoice Submittal

The MPO must submit monthly TPF invoices to TPP for UPWP activities.

The billing should include:

When the invoice is submitted to TPP/MPO billing mailbox, the document is time-stamped. The 15-day prompt payment clock starts at that time.

Anchor: #i1001389

Invoice Review and Processing

The TPP Billing Submittal Cover Form is filled in by TPP Business Operations:

If submittal fails to meet these requirements, the field office contacts MPO to resubmit their form.

If backup documentation is missing, the business operations representative notifies the field representative. The field representative will review the billing packet and confirm if there is an error. If there is an error, the field representative will contact the MPO to request additional information and resubmit their form with the adequate support. The prompt payment clock stops at this point. The clock starts back up when the additional information is submitted to the TPP/MPO billing mailbox.

The reviewed and approved document is submitted to TPP Business Operations for processing. Business Operations prepares the invoice for the Section Director and the Grants and Administration Director for signature. Once signed, Business Operations submits the invoice to Finance Division for payment.

The field representative updates the billing summary spreadsheet and sends it back to the MPO.

Anchor: #i1001434

Annual Closeout

At the end of the fiscal year, when all the MPOs have certified that their final billing has been submitted, all billings will be reviewed to ensure the amount paid matches the amount billed. Once any necessary reconciliations are completed, the amount billed by each MPO will be subtracted from the amount allocated. This constitutes the previous year’s carryover.

TPP will submit a request to FHWA to de-obligate these funds from the previous year’s federal project number. Once this approval is received, an email is sent to FIN Division requesting they obligate these funds to the current year’s project number.

Once funds have been obligated, TPP will submit a work order to the MPOs allocating the carryover to their UPWPs.

Anchor: #i1001454


The MPO must maintain approved written procurement procedures that meet or exceed the requirements of 2 CFR 200.318, as it may be revised or superseded. These procedures will be used for all acquisitions authorized in any UPWP.

Any subcontract for services rendered by individuals or organizations not a part of the MPO's organization shall not be executed without prior authorization and approval of the subcontract by the Department and, when federal funds are involved, the USDOT.

All work in the subcontract is subject to the state's Uniform Grant Management Standards. If the work for the subcontract is authorized in the current approved UPWP, and if the MPO's procurement procedures for negotiated contracts have been approved by the Department either directly or through self-certification by the MPO, the subcontract shall be deemed to be authorized and approved, provided that the subcontract includes all provisions required by the Department and the USDOT. Subcontracts more than $25,000 shall contain all required provisions of this agreement. No subcontract will relieve the MPO of its responsibility under this MPO planning agreement.

Anchor: #i1001479

Property Management

The regulations also require the MPO to observe the following standards in its property management system:

    Anchor: #QCVFLJSB
  • Develop a control system that includes adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of property, and provides for the investigation of any loss, damage, or theft.
  • Anchor: #XRAWALOT
  • Use adequate maintenance procedures to keep the property in good condition.
  • Anchor: #IXKOEGXE
  • Use proper sales procedures to ensure the highest possible return if property is to be sold.

TPP field representatives review yearly the property management of the MPO.

Anchor: #i1001509


Per 2 CFR 200.313, when equipment has exceeded its useful life or is no longer needed for the original program or for other activities, the regulations allow disposition in accordance with the following procedures:

    Anchor: #YEXEVTCO
  • If current per-unit fair market value is less than $5,000, it may be retained, sold, or otherwise disposed of with no further obligation to the federal agency.
  • Anchor: #JHGHQUXL
  • If current per-unit fair market value is more than $5,000, it may be retained or sold, and the federal agency shall have a right to an amount calculated by multiplying the current market value or proceeds from the sale by the federal agency’s share of the acquisition cost of the equipment.

If the MPO fails to take appropriate disposition actions, the federal agency may direct the State or MPO to takes final disposition action, including remittance of proceeds of sale, assignment of equipment to another federal project, etc.

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