Chapter 4: Public Involvement

Anchor: #i1002078

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i1002083


The Public Involvement Section of the Transportation Planning and Programming (TPP) division assists Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Districts and Divisions in developing strategies and implementing public involvement efforts throughout the state from project planning all the way through construction. Public involvement and citizen input is fundamental to TxDOT’s mission: “Connecting You with Texas.” Public involvement connects citizens to the Texas transportation projects that are important to them.

Anchor: #i1002098

Purpose of Public Involvement

The purpose of public involvement is to foster two-way communication aimed at incorporating the views, concerns and issues of the public into the decision-making process. Public involvement strategies are aimed at identifying high-quality methods of connecting with the public in ways that improve transportation decisions and increase trust in the agency.

Anchor: #i1002114

Mission of the Public Involvement Section

The mission of the TPP Public Involvement Section is to assist TxDOT districts and divisions in developing engagement strategies and implementing public involvement activities through all phases of project and program development. The Public Involvement Section serves as an on-site resource for districts to use in their public involvement efforts and be directly engaged in the public involvement initiatives of applicable divisions and offices. The section seeks to foster a culture where TxDOT makes decisions that are transparent and that consider and value public input.

Anchor: #i1002134

Laws and Regulations Regarding Public Involvement

Public involvement is mandatory, and the Texas Department of Transportation complies with all federal and state laws and regulations.

Table 4-1 provides a listing, by year of initial enactment, of the more significant federal laws that have required and emphasized public involvement as part of transportation policy. Additional laws and executive orders reinforce the principles that everyone affected or potentially affected by a decision should have an opportunity to be involved in the decision-making process.

Anchor: #i1006746Table 4-1: Federal Laws with Public Involvement Requirements


Federal Law


National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)


Intermodal Surface Transportation Equity Act (ISTEA)


Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21)


Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)


Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)


Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act)

Public involvement activities are conducted in accordance with the requirements codified in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) at 43 TAC 2.101 to 2.110, as well as in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 23 CFR Part 771 for federal projects.

In addition, TxDOT complies with the following requirements:

TxDOT may collaborate with local governments, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), or other transportation entities to conduct joint public involvement activities. Public involvement activities hosted by local governments designated as project sponsors for environmental review purposes ( 43 TAC 2.7) can satisfy TxDOT public involvement requirements applicable to the environmental review process provided the project sponsor follows all TxDOT requirements.

TxDOT is committed to going beyond minimum requirements for public involvement. TxDOT embraces strategies and procedures that actively involve the public in the decision making for transportation projects and investments that impact their lives and communities.

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Commission Policy

On January 27, 2011, the Texas Transportation Commission adopted Minute Order 112555:

“TxDOT commits to purposefully involve the public in planning and project implementation by providing for early, continuous, transparent and effective access to information and decision-making processes. TxDOT will regularly update public involvement methods to include best practices in public involvement and incorporate a range of strategies to encourage broad participation reflective of the needs of the state’s population.”

Additionally, the department developed objectives to implement public involvement more effectively:

    Anchor: #ISTRMDNV
  • Ensure continued adherence to all regulatory guidelines that can be fully integrated into the planning process and sound public involvement practice
  • Anchor: #UVJUWJQU
  • Solicit and encourage proactive public involvement that can be fully integrated into the planning process and incorporated in the various planning activities
  • Anchor: #PJVFSHQT
  • Provide opportunities for accurate, timely information upon which Texas residents can rely
  • Anchor: #XCHNQTHD
  • Establish and maintain the TxDOT reputation as a trusted source of information
  • Anchor: #PYHXPYUB
  • Proactively seek early and continuing public input and involvement and be responsive to inquiries and suggestions
  • Anchor: #RXATADAY
  • Energetically adhere to or exceed all applicable TxDOT, state, and federal public involvement requirements for planning and project implementation
  • Anchor: #RPEFTMTQ
  • Use multiple methods to explain TxDOT processes, priorities, and procedures so the public will have a solid foundation upon which to make requests, inquiries, and suggestions
  • Anchor: #TFECFWCD
  • Listen to stakeholders when comments are provided; be responsive and accountable to all stakeholders
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