Chapter 7: Project Tracker

Anchor: #i999067

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i999072

Purpose and Use of Project Tracker

Transportation Code Section 201.807 states that the department should have a centralized location on the Internet to list projects in all transportation plans and programs available to the public.  Project Tracker was created as a web based/portal tool that maps and tracks TxDOT’s transportation projects, including annual reports for other modes such as Aviation and Rail.

Project Tracker contains information about:

    Anchor: #DTIKMDSX
  • each TxDOT project, including its status, funding source, benchmarks for evaluation, timelines for completion, and other information;
  • Anchor: #GUFOKWWP
  • the number of open lanes and the location and duration of lane closures for each construction work zone for a project with a timeline of more than a month or that cost more than $5 million;
  • Anchor: #HXWYDFOO
  • road maintenance projects, including criteria for designating a project and the condition of each road before the project; and
  • Anchor: #GYWNJQEL
  • the source of funds, including type of revenue, for transportation and toll projects, as well as spending by each TxDOT district and by developmental program funding category.

Data from various TxDOT IT systems provides the project-specific information available on Project Tracker.

Anchor: #i999115

Adoption of Rules

Rules for Project Tracker can be found at Project Tracker rules.

Anchor: #i999129

Evaluating Project Tracker

TxDOT will:

    Anchor: #FWCPAIUG
  • Establish a Working Group to review the ongoing user feedback and recommend additional improvements when warranted.
  • Anchor: #GRNKVDRC
  • Conduct a comprehensive review of the reporting system to determine if improvements are necessary at least every four years.
  • Anchor: #SJIDCOCW
  • In conducting the review, TxDOT will incorporate feedback from internal and external users of the system and advice from its public involvement office.
  • Anchor: #HQQDTJCM
  • If improvements are necessary, TxDOT will further develop an implementation plan for such improvements.
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