Chapter 17: Statewide Transportation Improvement Program

Anchor: #i1001751

Section 1: Overview and Purpose of the STIP

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is TxDOT’s federally mandated four-year capital improvement program. The STIP lists all projects and project phases (i.e., preliminary engineering work, environmental analysis, right of way acquisition, design or construction) expected to be funded within four years with federal funds as well as state or locally funded projects that have been deemed “Regionally Significant” ( It is prepared in cooperation with local government entities throughout Texas, including Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs).

This document serves two main purposes. First, it presents the fiscally constrained, multimodal transportation program for the state of Texas which includes both federally and state or locally funded projects scheduled for some phase of implementation within the four-year period. Second, it serves as the reference document required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for use in approving federal funds for transportation projects in Texas. A federally-approved STIP is required for projects to be eligible for federal funding under Title 23 USC and Title 49 USC, Chapter 53.

The STIP is comprised of five categories; Highway, Transit, Statewide Transit, Rail, Federal Lands and Texas Parks and Wildlife.

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