Anchor: #i999848

Section 2: QRP Process

Anchor: #i999853

QRP Activities

The Central Planning team consists of 5 Divisions: TPP, ROW, ENV, PEPS, and FIN. These Divisions meet to consolidate the project portfolios provided by all 25 districts into a consolidated, or central, portfolio. See Figure 8-2.

QRP Activities (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #RQDCSQQBgrtop

Figure 8-2. QRP Activities

Anchor: #i999872

QRP Outcomes

The QRP enables achievement of the four outcomes listed in Figure 8-3 through regular coordination among all stakeholders.

QRP Outcomes (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #EQNNQRUQgrtop

Figure 8-3. QRP Outcomes

Each QRP phase will culminate in an associated Quarterly Review Meeting (QRM) with TxDOT Administration. Each QRM will be preceded by many District Review Meetings and a pre-alignment meeting to assist districts with prioritizing projects and facilitating the efficient delivery of the District Portfolio. Figure 8-4 shows where QRP fits within the other process improvement initiatives.

QRP and the Planning Process (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #NDURRGLMgrtop

Figure 8-4. QRP and the Planning Process

Anchor: #i999905

Roles & Responsibilities and Critical Path

TxDOT ADM, divisions, and districts are all critical to the success of the QRP. Figure 8-5 lists some of the key activities associated with each TxDOT stakeholder.

Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #QXPUBAIHgrtop

Figure 8-5. Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities

ENV = Environmental Affairs Division; PEPS = Professional Engineering Procurement Services Division; and ROW = Right of Way Division.

Anchor: #i999929

Critical Path

8-6 through 8-11 show the quarterly review process.

QRP Second Quarter Activities A-D (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #ENDUKINOgrtop

Figure 8-6. QRP Second Quarter Activities A-D

QRP Second Quarter Activities E-H (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #IQPOWHSIgrtop

Figure 8-7. QRP Second Quarter Activities E-H

QRP Third Quarter Activities A-D (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #FXUSEOOTgrtop

Figure 8-8. QRP Third Quarter Activities A-D

QRP Third Quarter Activities E-H (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #WRDALGHCgrtop

Figure 8-9. QRP Third Quarter Activities E-H

QRP Fourth Quarter Activities A-D (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #KHQVAGDEgrtop

Figure 8-10. QRP Fourth Quarter Activities A-D

QRP Fourth Quarter Activities E-H (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #DUYMXTGDgrtop

Figure 8-11. QRP Fourth Quarter Activities E-H

Anchor: #i999993

Where to Find More Information

Visit the Training home page and enroll in the TPD series of training (see Table 8-1). If you have any questions or need assistance, please email or call the Training Hotline at (512) 416-2000.

Anchor: #i1001438Table 8-1 TPD Training

Class Code

Course Name


Overview of Project Development & Delivery at TxDOT


Project Delivery & Governance (PD&G)


Performance Based Planning (PBP)


Quarterly Review Process (QRP)

QRM and Pre-Alignment meeting information is also located at the UTP Crossroads site (for internal users).

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