Anchor: #i1002348

Section 2: Public Involvement Section

Anchor: #i1002353

Public Involvement Section Responsibilities

    Anchor: #AUPGXNSH
  • Serves as an on-site resource for districts to use in their public involvement efforts and be directly engaged in the public involvement initiatives of applicable divisions and offices
  • Anchor: #LPWNSEGA
  • Assists districts, divisions, and offices with a myriad of public engagement strategies, which can occur anytime before, during or throughout the project life cycle
  • Anchor: #YCBVPKES
  • Supports TxDOT employees with their public involvement needs and serves as a repository and an idea generator to find the most appropriate strategy for a particular need
  • Anchor: #PBQPVOFE
  • Ensures that Minute Order 112555’s eight objectives are considered and acted upon when considering public involvement activities

Specific support includes:

For more information, please visit the PI Section page.

Anchor: #i1002458

Public Involvement Section Processes and Procedures

Processes and procedures for the Public Involvement Section are separated into the following areas:

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