Chapter 9: Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan

Anchor: #i999246

Section 1: Overview


Purpose of the Plan

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) develops a statewide, long-range transportation plan (SLRTP) that provides for the development and implementation of a system which contains all modes of transportation.

This long-range plan is the state’s 24-year planning blueprint which outlines future goals, strategies, and performance measures for the multimodal transportation system. To reach a consensus on transportation needs, the SLRTP guides the collaborative efforts between TxDOT, metropolitan and nonmetropolitan local decision-makers, and all transportation stakeholders.

Anchor: #i999266

Laws and Regulations regarding the Plan

Governing authorities significant to the SLRTP are:

Anchor: #i999304

Plan Frequency

The SLRTP is updated every four years as required by 43 TAC 16.54.

Anchor: #i999314

Plan Location

The 2050 plan (and previous updates) can be found at

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