Anchor: #i999113

Section 2: SPR Program Process

Anchor: #i999118

Collection of information for the SPR Program

TPP Business Operations staff collaborates with all program partners to obtain section overview, project descriptions, deliverables, cost estimates and timeframes needed for each program year. This information is then compiled to produce the annual work program and submitted to FHWA for approval.

Program participants and FHWA meet quarterly to discuss project and expenditure status for each activity. Program changes are addressed through an amendment process, subject to FHWA approval.

Anchor: #i999133

SPR Program Contents

The SPR Work Program must contain the following elements to be approved by FHWA:

    Anchor: #MDESLMYU
  1. Summaries and References
  2. Anchor: #WTVSXLDH
  3. Description of all project and planned activities for each program year. Descriptions must include details and deliverables for each activity, along with estimated costs.
  4. Anchor: #WEAFEOKH
  5. Formal letter requesting approval of the SPR Work Program, Part 1; noting the overall program costs with estimated use of Transportation Development Credits (TDCs).
Anchor: #i999183

SPR Program Approval and Authorization Process

FHWA authorizes the annual program in writing through a formal letter process. Final program approval is issued through a Federal Project Authorization Agreement (FPAA) obligating the funds for use during for each program year.

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