Anchor: #i1000286

Section 2: Traffic Corridor Analysis

Anchor: #i1000291


As part of the project development process, TPP Traffic Analysis provides the districts with corridor analysis on existing and proposed facilities to be used in planning, pavement, or geometric design analysis. Corridor analysis can include basic highway traffic data for pavement design, vehicle classification for environmental studies, detailed schematic turning movements, consultant corridor information packet, or no-build traffic analysis.

Federal regulations for Transportation Analysis include 23 CFR 450 Planning Assistance and Standards.

Anchor: #i1000310

Corridor Analysis Options

Districts may have transportation analyses developed using one the following three options:

    Anchor: #ACLJGDHU
  • Option A – TPP Traffic Analysis responsible for development of traffic data and signs/stamps project
  • Anchor: #VHKFXPFR
  • Option B – District responsible for development of traffic data and TPP Traffic Analysis reviews and signs/stamps project
  • Anchor: #TALDYFAV
  • Option C – District responsible for development of traffic data and signs/stamps project
Anchor: #i1006083

Corridor Analysis Standard Operating Procedures

The SOP for corridor analysis can be found on the TPP SharePoint site.

Anchor: #i1006034

Texas Racing Commission Traffic Impact Analysis

The Texas Racing Commission application process sometimes requires the applicant to include a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). The Texas Racing Commission contacts TPP when the process is starting to access assistance in addressing questions on the technical requirements for TIAs. TPP also coordinates the technical review of applicant submitted TIAs with the District in which the facility is located. TIA coordination and reviews occur infrequently.

Anchor: #i1000335

Toll Forecasts

TPP Traffic Analysis does not conduct or review traffic volume toll forecasts. All toll traffic analyses and reviews should be conducted under Option C and District oversight. If management directs, TPP may occasionally assist in reviews.

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