Anchor: #i999174

Section 2: UTP Process

Anchor: #i999179


The UTP is organized into 12 funding categories that each address a specific type of work. The UTP authorizes the distribution of transportation dollars expected to be available over the next 10 years. The UTP must be approved by a vote of the Texas Transportation Commission each year and is required by state law. The Texas Transportation Code and Texas Administrative Code requires the UTP to include all projects and programs that TxDOT intends to develop or initiate during the UTP period and identify the applicable funding category to which the project or program is assigned. Funding for roadway-related projects is then aligned with these categories, as seen in Figure 10-1. A project may be assigned to multiple funding categories, based on the type of project and its characteristics.

UTP Funding Sources and Categories (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #MBCCVAQCgrtop

Figure 10-1. UTP Funding Sources and Categories

The project listings in the UTP focus on projects that improve connectivity and relieve congestion. As such, it includes projects with any funds from Categories 2, 4, and 12.

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Development Cycle Steps and Timeline

The UTP development process includes several key steps that are integrated with the overall performance-based planning approach and coordination between TxDOT divisions, districts and local planning partners in addition to TxDOT administrative leadership and the Texas Transportation Commission. As shown below in Figure 10-2, this cyclical process is conducted on an annual basis and helps TxDOT adjust to changes in funding projections and overall system performance.

Managing Transportation System Performance  (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #FWPHAIXNgrtop

Figure 10-2. Managing Transportation System Performance

As illustrated in Figure 10-2, TxDOT’s mission and goals provide the foundation on which the UTP process is built and each annual UTP adoption provides new revenue forecasts and investment strategies that are based on past system performance as well as system performance measures and approved targets. These forecasts guide funding distribution, project selection, and formation of the new UTP. The funding levels in the UTP are based on transportation revenues anticipated over the next 10 years. The UTP does not serve as a budget or a guarantee that certain projects will be built, and the funding levels may change in the future. The plan authorizes TxDOT and local partnering agencies to prepare projects for construction based on a reasonable expectation of future cash flow. The authorized development activities can include preliminary design, environmental analysis, right-of-way acquisition, and final engineering.

The UTP team uses approved performance measures and approved targets, along with the planning scenario forecast, to set the initial financial planning targets/funding distribution for each of the funding categories. This is based on coordination between TPP, TxDOT administrative leadership, and the Texas Transportation Commission. The financial planning targets, or initial distribution amounts, provide a starting point for the selection of projects.

In 2016, the Texas Transportation Commission and TxDOT established the department's current overarching mission, values, vision, and goals, setting the trajectory for where the UTP development process is today. In February 2018, the Commission identified system performance measures and approved targets. Accordingly, TxDOT uses the system performance measures and approved targets to establish funding levels, or planning targets, for each of our funding categories. This step sets the overall framework and planning targets for the UTP project and program decisions. As an example, the system performance metrics and approved targets for 2030 are outlined in Figure 10-3 and the mobility project scoring metrics are illustrated in Figure 10-4. Each January, the performance targets for the next 10 years are presented to the Commission and can be found on the corresponding January Commission Agenda.

System Performance Measures and Approved
Targets (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #WOHIDSWFgrtop

Figure 10-3. System Performance Measures and Approved Targets

Mobility Project Scoring Metrics  (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #SYLELKXYgrtop

Figure 10-4. Mobility Project Scoring Metrics

Following the UTP’s adoption by the Texas Transportation Commission and publication, the performance of the state’s system is monitored and evaluated. This portfolio management helps adjust the strategies for the next UTP update.

Figure 10-5 provides a high-level overview of the timeline for an annual UTP Development cycle. It is important to note that items reflected on the timeline are subject to change.

UTP Development Timeline – Annual Cycle (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #BIWXSVFIgrtop

Figure 10-5. UTP Development Timeline – Annual Cycle

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