Chapter 12: Metropolitan Planning Organization Administration

Anchor: #i1001215

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i1001220


Districts are the primary contact for planning activities and project selection. Districts also attend and participate in policy and technical committees.

TPP develops, negotiates, and maintains the Planning Contracts. TPP develops policy, monitors compliance, and provides support to Districts and MPOs. TPP maintains the primary relationship with Federal Highway Administration and is responsible for the PL funding formula and dissemination of Work Authorizations.

TPP administers and manages the oversight and administration of the Planning contracts and the Planning funds. TPP communicates any findings to FHWA. TPP communicates any FHWA findings to Districts and MPOs.

Anchor: #i1001240

Regulations and Rules Regarding MPO Administration

Regulations for MPO Administration are found at:

Rules for MPO Administration are found at:

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