Chapter 10: Unified Transportation Program

Anchor: #i999141

Section 1: Overview

Anchor: #i999146


Released annually with a ten-year planning horizon, the UTP guides the development of specific transportation projects and programming. It is a medium-range development process that links the goals, performance measures, and approved targets of TxDOT's long-range plans (such as the Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan) with the specific projects and programs of shorter-term plans (such as the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program). Within that framework, TxDOT works with elected officials, local planning organizations, and the public to select and fund the state's highest-priority transportation projects. In addition to highway projects, the UTP also incorporates public transportation, maritime, aviation, and rail programs, as well as a section on freight and international trade.

Anchor: #i999156

Laws and Regulations Regarding the UTP

The UTP is in the Texas Transportation Code at UTP law.

The UTP is in the Texas Administrative Code at UTP regulation.

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