Anchor: #i999108

Section 2: Title VI Monitoring Activities Process


TPP Language Assistance Plan

The Transportation Planning and Programming (TPP) Division’s Language Assistance Plan (LAP) is to ensure that Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and TPP communicate effectively with Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals. A LEP individual is a person who does not speak English, or has a limited ability to speak, read, write or understand English. This plan will provide guidelines for implementing the LAP Program, and assisting those with limited English capabilities.

Anchor: #i999123

Collection of Information for Title VI Monitoring Activities

The BOA will report annually or as requested by TxDOT’s Office of Civil Rights, the number of LEP assistance provided or requested in the previous year, using the LEP Data collection report.


Title VI Monitoring Activities Contents

To determine the appropriateness and need for assistance with specific languages, the Division’s Business Operations Administrator (BOA) performs an annual review of the following areas:

    Anchor: #LSLOSTWO
  1. Demographics: As reported below in Texas Language Demographics.
  2. Anchor: #DWEYHANX
  3. Frequency: Will be identified in annual reports received from division’s section directors and administrative support, and reported annually to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR).
  4. Anchor: #KAWUURSE
  5. Nature and Importance: Will be reviewed with directors and senior level managers and the Public Information Office based on project importance and effect on local populace.
  6. Anchor: #QOOCAEXR
  7. Available Resources and Costs: Will be reviewed annually to determine if employees available in the division have capabilities required if the need should arrive, and identify available translation/interpretation support as needed.
Anchor: #i999163

Title VI Monitoring Activities Approval

LEP individuals can submit complaints regarding LEP services to an individual in charge of the event or activity of concern to TPP’s Title VI Liaison or BOA, to TxDOT’s Office of Civil Rights.

If needed, employees can contact OCR for additional guidance or assistance.

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