Anchor: #i1010022

Section 2: Addenda

Anchor: #i1010048


In the event that the Department modifies a proposal or the plans after the proposal release date, an addendum is sent to communicate revisions to each bidder who requested a bidding proposal. The addendum amends the original contract terms.

Make an informed decision as to whether or not an addendum is needed or whether a change order is appropriate. Major errors require an addendum request.

    Anchor: #YFOMLOJX
  • Minor errors, including but not limited to minor quantity errors or misspelled words, do not require correction prior to letting. A minor quantity error is an error that does not create significant change. The price also does not change, so it should not affect the bid.
  • Anchor: #OTGCLNHF
  • Major errors cause substantial changes that affect the bidding process.
Anchor: #i1010367

Addendum Requests

Because significant work has gone into bringing a project to letting, and Prospective Bidders have expended efforts in preparing their bids, DES, CST, and Civil Rights Division (CIV) will make every effort to assist in issuing addenda.

All addendum requests must include the following:

    Anchor: #KOEONIGS
  • a complete explanation of what is being changed, e.g., sheets added or deleted, bid items added or removed, unit costs modified, contract days modified, change in funding from state to federal or vice versa
  • Anchor: #RHWTMKEY
  • a description of how the overall project cost is being impacted
  • Anchor: #DXIDXGKX
  • a statement as to why the addendum should be approved and potential impacts if it is not processed and
  • Anchor: #HGDEQMAA
  • documentation of District Engineer (DE) or Deputy District Engineer (DDE) approval of the addendum.

Refer to the Design Division (DES) website, Addendum Request Form (internal access only). Addenda submitted without complete documentation will not be reviewed, approved, or processed and will be returned to the district.

Reference the Letting Manual, Chapter 2 and DES Division website for the Addenda Processing SOP for more information on processing of addenda (internal access only).

Anchor: #i1010898

Accessing the Bidders List to Gather Contact Information for All Prospective Bidders

Access the Bidders List and gather contact information using either of the following options to ensure that every prospective bidder that has requested a proposal receives the same information.

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