Anchor: #i1004289

Section 5: Final Federal Program Inspection Guide – TxDOT Federal Program Projects

Schedule the final inspection with the AO project engineer and/or the assigned inspector. Additionally, invite the Engineer of Record (EOR) and other designers (TxDOT or consultant) to attend the final inspection to hear and discuss design issues encountered by the AO project management staff in order to improve future designs.

Once the field review is complete, prepare a final inspection report memo listing the design issues and the construction observations. Send the report memo to the AE, with a copy to the DCO and District Design Engineer. The EOR and associated designers are copied along with the AO project engineer or project manager.

Filed Inspection Review Guide:

    Anchor: #LHKRUVSF
  1. Overall Quality –
  2. Anchor: #KCAFARES
  3. Construction Items –
  4. Anchor: #UQRQRSPV
  5. Roadside Safety –
      Anchor: #FCOIMHYM
    • Metal Beam Guard Fence (MBGF), terminal connections, Crash Cushion Attenuators (CCAs), permanent concrete barriers, bridge railing, Safety End Treatment (S.E.T.s.), etc. are constructed and installed according to the plans and specifications and manufacturers' recommendations.
  6. Anchor: #HKRKFJUD
  7. Erosion Control/Vegetation Establishment –
      Anchor: #NYJIDAWH
    • Soil retention blankets (SRBs), seeding, sod, armoring - concrete riprap, loose rock riprap, gabion baskets and mattresses are all installed according to the plans and specifications.
    • Anchor: #KPFOXWLI
    • All disturbed areas are stabilized.
    • Anchor: #NGPBMNDT
    • BMP removal - coordinate with DEQC.
  8. Anchor: #BQPBSVXM
  9. Site Clean –
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