Anchor: #i1026586

Section 4: Evaluations

Anchor: #i1026646

Prime Contractor Performance Evaluations

An interim and final evaluation of the prime contractor's performance is required for all construction projects. Using Form 2707 (internal access only) perform interim evaluation at or within 30 days after the anniversary of the notice to proceed for contracts extending beyond 1 year and perform the final evaluation upon project closeout. A final evaluation is required to generate the final estimate.

The district must audit every final evaluation using Form 2707-R (internal access only).

Store all completed Form 2707 evaluation forms (final and interim), Forms 2707-R, and complete supporting documentation (paper copies), separate from the project files, in a folder boldly labeled, “DO NOT DISCLOSE - Attorney General Opinion Required.” This includes documentation provided by the contractor as justification to support their position. Files may be stored with Form 599 documents in a fireproof cabinet. No electronic copies of the completed form are allowed, including but not limited to scanned copies, photographs, copies saved on an external device, or electronically signed copies. Standard records retention procedures apply.

Refer to the Prime Contractor Performance Evaluations Manual (internal access only) for more information or contact CST or the Maintenance Division (MNT).

Anchor: #i1046925

Project Evaluation

A project evaluation is an overall review of the design of the project. All projects are required to complete the Form 2803, “Project Evaluation Form,” (internal access only) after substantial completion or final acceptance. The information must be completed in SiteManager to generate the final estimate. Refer to the form for instructions.

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