Section 3: Conflicts of Interest and Ethics

Anchor: #i1000551


Avoid the appearance of unprofessional behavior. Treat other employees, contractor employees and representatives, other project related personnel and the general public with respect and fairness. Maintain a courteous demeanor and employ restraint at all times when representing the Department.

Do not participate in any activity that could be considered a possible conflict of interest. Refer to the Human Resources Policy Manual, Chapter 8, Section 2, “Conduct and Expectations” (internal access only) for more information. In addition to the Human Resources Manual, be familiar with the requirements of the Texas Penal Code which covers gifts to public servants (Section 36.08 of the Texas Penal Code titled “Gift to Public Servant by Person Subject to His Jurisdiction” and Section 36.09 titled “Offering Gift to Public Servant”).

The Compliance Division maintains a dashboard (internal access only) that tracks allegations and investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse.

Anchor: #i1000573

Gifts, Benefits, and Favors

Refer to the Human Resources Policy Manual, Chapter 8, Section 2, “Conduct and Expectations” (internal access only).

Anchor: #i1000668

Information Security Policy

The Information Security and Privacy Policy is mandatory and applies to all TxDOT employees, contractors, and systems that create, collect, process, use, share, disseminate, maintain, or dispose of TxDOT data. Violations of the information security policies or misuse of TxDOT information resources may result in disciplinary actions, including termination and legal prosecution. Refer to the Statewide Security Policy (internal access only).

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