Anchor: #i1004149

Section 6: Final Requirements of Federal-Aid Projects

FHWA requires the below for reconciling of federal participating & non-participating funds. Refer to Chapter 4 for the project records closeout checklist for all items required at closeout.

Filed Inspection:

Anchor: #i1073396

Final Acceptance to Contractor

When the project is accepted send the Notice of Final Acceptance to the contractor certified mail and email, include in project records. Place accepted dates (final) in critical dates in SiteManager. Letter Template is available on the Construction Division Crossroads webpage (internal access only).

Anchor: #i1073424

Material Certification Letter

Submit completed Material Certification Letters to MTD via email at: Refer to Material and Test Divisions Quality Assurance Program (QAP) for Design Bid Build projects for more information.

Districts are no longer required to submit Material Certification Letters directly to FHWA. Instead, MTD uploads all of TxDOT's Material Certification Letters to a SharePoint site where FHWA can access the letters from a single location. In addition, MTD reports on Material Certification Letter data to FHWA as part of TxDOT’s annual FHWA Stewardship & Oversight Report.

Anchor: #i1073436

Reconciliation of Federal Participating and Non-Participating Dollars

Financial Management Division uses SiteManager to reconcile Federal funds. All non-participating days and dollars need to be accounted for.

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