Section 9: Project Specific Locations (PSLs)

A Project-Specific Location (PSL), also known as an area of construction support activity, a staging area, or a laydown area, is a material source, plant, waste site, parking area, storage area, field office, staging area, haul road, or other similar location either outside the project limits or within the project limits but not specifically addressed in the Contract. Refer to Article 7.7.6, “Project Specific Locations.”

The contractor must maintain documentation of their certification activities including environmental consultant reports, contractor documentation on certification decisions, and contacts and correspondence with the resource agencies. The contractor must provide this documentation to the Engineer upon request. This documentation includes:

TxDOT will document any PSLs within 1 mile of the project area on the SWP3 layout sheets and keep appropriate documentation in Attachment 2.10 of the SWP3 binder for projects disturbing one acre or more (Attachment 2.6 for projects disturbing less than one acre).

The contractor must:

    Anchor: #IRMYQPFR
  • obtain written approval from the Engineer for all PSLs in the ROW not specifically addressed on the plans
  • Anchor: #JLMERRUG
  • be responsible for off ROW permits, clearances, Notice of Intent (NOI)s, and monitoring – there may be additional requirements or commitments in TxDOT’s permits and clearances
  • Anchor: #VGJGJEVH
  • prepare an SWP3 for all contractor facilities, such as asphalt or concrete plants located within Department right of way, and comply with all TCEQ permit requirements for portable facilities, such as concrete batch plants, rock crushers, asphalt plants, etc.
  • Anchor: #XEVIERCQ
  • address all environmental issues, such as Section 404 permits, species consultation requirements, or archaeological and historic site impacts and
  • Anchor: #AQVGSTHA
  • obtain all permits and clearances in advance.
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