Section 3: Violations

Violations of safety and health regulations may be minor in nature or they may be a serious threat to human life. Inform the contractor by written notice and indicate the severity of the failure to fulfill the specific safety regulation.

Anchor: #b130007


Incidents are those events involving Department personnel, equipment, or operations that result in personal injury or property damage.

Equipment (for incident reporting purposes) includes any vehicle, road building/maintenance equipment, boat, air compressor, or other machine or device powered by an internal combustion engine.

Near-Miss Events are unplanned events involving Department personnel, equipment, or operations that clearly demonstrate the potential for injury or property damage but that do not produce these results.

Third-Party Incidents are those incidents involving someone in addition to Department personnel and equipment.

Report all incidents resulting in any property damage or injury that involve Department personnel, equipment, or operations to OCC and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

NOTE: Reference the FHWA Occupational Safety and Health Order for information regarding FHWA reporting requirements.

Report incidents involving only Department equipment regardless of the extent of damage unless the damage is appearance damage that can be classified as normal wear and tear.

Report all incidents to OCC. Reporting other types of near-miss events to OCC is encouraged but not mandatory.

Report to OCC those incidents and near-miss events listed in the Occupational Safety Manual, Section 2 (internal link only).

Anchor: #b130008

Incident Reporting Requirements

Take these steps when a violation occurs:

    Anchor: #CXVRQFRI
  1. Inform the superintendent at once so that immediate corrective action may be taken.
  2. Anchor: #TRQHMTTK
  3. Document all discussions and interactions and in DWR or a follow up email.
  4. Anchor: #XWNWWRNT
  5. For an immediate hazardous condition, work may be suspended in the area of the hazard. If work is suspended, provide notice to the contractor as required in the contract.
  6. Anchor: #LLHQXXOJ
  7. After determining that adequate corrective measures have been taken, work may resume.
  8. Anchor: #MUNLCUDR
  9. If corrective action is not taken, send a written notice to the contractor requesting immediate correction, including notification that without correction, the U. S. Department of Labor (USDOL) will be notified.

Provide OCC with a copy of all written notices sent to the contractor. OCC will notify any other agencies as required. Contact OCC for guidance or additional information as needed.

Notify the CST, Construction Support Section (CST-CS) of all work suspensions due to serious violations, or if a contractor refuses to take corrective action. Either event may require a request for a review by OSHA. Provide notification to OSHA if determined necessary. Contact OCC for guidance or additional information as needed.

Anchor: #b130009

Investigations by Other Agencies

Cooperate with the FHWA, USDOL and other agencies.

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