Section 2: Employee Responsibilities

Anchor: #i1000317

Cooperation with the Contractor

Work with the contractor in a congenial and professional manner. Provide clear, precise, and concise instructions to authorized personnel with no trace of malice, unfriendliness, or anger. Limit instructions to the contractor to those within the scope of the contract. Ask the contractor if there are questions about any instructions. Resolve misunderstandings with the contractor promptly.

Provide instructions on major issues to the contractor in writing and maintain the written instructions in the project records. Record verbal instructions on minor and major issues in the DWR.

Discuss minor irregularities with individual contractor employees only if authorized to do so by the contractor.

Resolve differences of opinion in accordance with the escalation ladder established at the preconstruction meeting. Contact the Construction Support Section of Construction Division (CST-CS) for assistance in resolving disputes.

Anchor: #i1000342

Contact with the Public

Department personnel are public employees. The public will judge the Department by its work and by the actions and attitudes of each employee. Take responsibility to create good will for the Department and earn the respect and confidence of the public.

Extend courtesy and patience to the public. Take precautions in those instances where it is necessary to inconvenience the public due to construction operations. Ensure adequate warning signs, barricades, directional signs, flaggers, access to property, etc., are provided to move traffic quickly and safely through the work area. Make every effort to maintain access to private property at all times during operations. When access to any property is temporarily interrupted, provide adequate notice of the interruption to the property occupant in person, by phone call, or by certified letter.

Include with the notice a courteous explanation of the reasons for the interruption. Provide courteous and prompt responses to questions received.

Anchor: #i1000361

Sanitary Accommodations

Ensure that the contractor provides and maintains adequate, neat, and sanitary toilet accommodations for all project personnel, including State employees, in compliance with the requirements and regulations of the Texas Department of Health or other authorities having jurisdiction.

Anchor: #i1000371

Public Safety and Convenience

Ensure that the contractor satisfies the requirements of Section 7.2.4, “Public Safety and Convenience,” of the Standard Specifications in accordance with the contract. Take any corrective action deemed necessary to ensure the safety and convenience of the public. Deduct the cost of any corrective action work from money due or to become due to the contractor.

Complete the following to provide safety and convenience to the traveling public.

    Anchor: #YSIIHKFD
  • Have the contractor maintain the road in a good and passable condition.
  • Anchor: #QAOBROFS
  • Coordinate the placement of regulatory speed zone signs with the contractor.
  • Anchor: #FXRCHDON
  • Use regulatory speed limits only as needed.
  • Anchor: #EFDDTFQL
  • Coordinate with area law enforcement to ensure the posted regulatory speed limits are enforced.
  • Anchor: #HBTXJWXY
  • Check the project site for flaggers’ compliance with contract requirements.
  • Anchor: #SNKHGUCD
  • Make careful effort to reduce damage caused by loose gravel.
  • Anchor: #ADJBLSWL
  • Use appropriate work zone signing to warn the public of driving and traffic handling precautions.
  • Anchor: #KKNBLBSI
  • Ensure contractors, utility companies, and others are aware of the requirements for use of high visibility safety apparel on the project, and take appropriate enforcement actions, when necessary, in accordance with Barricade and Construction (BC) Standard Sheets, BC (1) - 14 or BC (1) - 21.
  • Anchor: #BMDOIMXA
  • Coordinate with the Public Information Officer to provide announcements of upcoming traffic impacts as necessary.
  • Anchor: #CQCSBPDT
  • Perform other actions as deemed necessary.
Anchor: #i1021849

Abatement and Mitigation of Excessive or Unnecessary Noise

Ensure the contractor minimizes noise throughout all phases of the contract. Do not allow contractor placement of mobile or stationary equipment that will disrupt normal adjacent activities. For equipment in use on the project, ensure that the contractor does not remove or make ineffectual manufacturer-installed noise attenuation devices such as mufflers, engine covers, insulation, etc.

Complaints from the public on any noise issue are addressed by the District PIO.

Anchor: #i1000471

Using Explosives

Obtain a written blasting plan from the contractor when required by the contract or as deemed appropriate. Observe and monitor the contractor’s operations to ensure compliance with the federal, state, and applicable local laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to the storage and use of explosives. Ensure the contractor provides at least a 48-hour advance notice to the appropriate Road Master (as defined in the Standard Specifications, Section 1.3.115) before performing any blasting work involving the use of electric blasting caps within 200 feet of any railroad track.

Anchor: #i1000461

Protection of Adjacent Property

Ensure the contractor protects adjacent property from damage and takes corrective action to restore damaged property to a condition similar or equal to that existing before the damage occurred. Do not reimburse the contractor for corrective action to restore damaged property. If the contractor fails or refuses to restore damaged property, notify the contractor of such damages in writing and request corrective action.

Anchor: #i1000481

Contractor’s Responsibility for Work

Open any roadway or portion of the roadway to traffic if deemed in suitable condition for travel. Ensure the contractor repairs damage until final acceptance. If deemed appropriate, relieve the contractor from maintenance for isolated work locations, vegetative establishment, and maintenance periods or work suspensions.

Anchor: #i1000491

Electrical Requirements

If required by the contract, obtain from the contractor the name and contact information for the certified person or licensed electrician. Ensure that all electrical work is completed as required by Article 7.18, “Electrical Requirements,” of the Standard Specifications.

Anchor: #i1000433

Barricades, Warning and Detour Signs, and Traffic Handling

The contractor is responsible for providing, installing, moving, replacing, maintaining, cleaning, and removing all traffic control devices in accordance with the contract. Take any corrective action deemed necessary to ensure requirements are met. Deduct the cost of any corrective action work from money due or to become due to the contractor.

Obtain from the contractor the name and contact information for the contractor responsible person (CRP). The CRP is responsible for taking or directing corrective measures of noted deficiencies associated with the traffic control plan (TCP). Correct all noted deficiencies in accordance with Priority 1 and Priority 2 deficiency requirements.

Ensure the District responsible person (DRP) observes the implementation of the TCP on each project. The District Safety Review Team and the District Traffic Control Coordinator (TCC) will periodically review the project for contract compliance. The TCC, accompanied by the DRP (if possible), performs quarterly barricade inspections and completes Form 599, “Traffic Control Devices Inspection Checklist.” The TCC should accompany each DRP on the first inspection.

Refer to the Traffic Safety Division’s Work Zone Safety and Mobility Guidelines (internal access only) for more information.

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