Anchor: #i1004285

Section 3: Interim Project Review Guide – State and Federal-Aid Projects

All projects are to be inspected/reviewed on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the contract requirements and that the work is performed according to the plans and specifications. District offices should document their project record reviews for project records compliance at 30%/60%/90% completion (based on project dollar values).

Anchor: #i1079637

Basic Project Compliance Categories and Required Acceptance Standards

    Anchor: #CAJDHGSE
  • Contractor Bulletin Board –
      Anchor: #BUUDQJUP
    • Accessible, readable, postings in accordance with current federal requirements
  • Anchor: #TDIJNINM
  • Traffic Control Plan (TCP)/Barricades –
      Anchor: #KFHPFVAC
    • Set up according to project TCP, Barricades and Construction (BC), and Work Zone (WZ) standard sheets.
    • Anchor: #EVMEUATY
    • Signs & barricades in compliance with current Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Device (CWZTCD) list
    • Anchor: #TEHJQELI
    • Clean, plumb, none to slight damage, good reflectivity, command attention
  • Anchor: #FVHIXOFK
  • Construction Items –
      Anchor: #MUOEKVWO
    • Contractor’s work is in compliance with plans and specifications and good quality
  • Anchor: #NTVFPNJY
  • Inspections –
      Anchor: #MPOILIVS
    • Quantity of inspection staff is adequate for work underway.
    • Anchor: #MGFBBPCU
    • Inspectors are knowledgeable of the applicable plans and specification requirements for the work being observed.
    • Anchor: #ULKRXJIQ
    • Testing equipment and inspection staff certifications and testing proficiencies are up to date
    • Anchor: #BDMEAPJW
    • Adequate testing is occurring to ensure compliance with the QAP and Guide Schedule requirements and quality of the work.
  • Anchor: #LCUXOMAK
  • Materials –
      Anchor: #QDSLVSXI
    • All materials incorporated into the project are from qualified manufacturers/producers listed on the appropriate Material Producer List (MPL)
    • Anchor: #IUJWSDOU
    • Inspectors ensure materials delivered to the project are manufactured according to the relevant plans and specifications requirements and are free of defects and damage.
    • Anchor: #YAVRTFJS
    • Adequate supporting documentation is available to provide assurance of Buy America compliance for all predominantly steel or iron products.
  • Anchor: #KBSWGMKJ
  • Progress –
      Anchor: #OIBPAYVA
    • Monthly schedule updates are being sent by the contractor.
    • Anchor: #NGVRYJPT
    • Work activities observed are according to current 2-3 week look-ahead schedule.
    • Anchor: #CTURTYMF
    • Overall progress is on or ahead of the approved project schedule.
    • Anchor: #UQTYMKPV
    • If work is behind schedule, the AO has requested the contractor submit a make-up schedule that shows how the contractor will complete the work within the contract time.
  • Anchor: #CQEXICLE
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SW3P) coordinate with DEQC –
  • Anchor: #GFLPXADK
  • DBE (coordinate with district DBE coordinator) –
  • Anchor: #BLRGKANF
  • Labor Compliance –
  • Anchor: #PIECEDTJ
  • AO and DCO Audits –
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