Anchor: #i1029535

Section 10: Construction Stage Gate Checklist (CSGC) Form 2448 Inspections

Anchor: #i1063249


The CSGC is intended to be a construction project inspection and communication tool. It should be completed with both designated TxDOT and Contractor personnel present to emphasize the expectations for environmental compliance on the project and to foster communication. The CSGC helps ensure that TxDOT and the Contractor meet their commitment to environmental compliance by providing a comprehensive overview of all environmental requirements and identifying areas where improvements, additional attention and/or actions are needed. The CSGC also serves as a compliance metric for TxDOT’s Statewide MS4 Permit’s (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) reporting requirements.

Anchor: #i1063294

Suggested Usage

Each District will be responsible for determining their representative for completing the CSGC, preferably, an experienced employee such as the DEQC, Project Engineer, Project Manager or Chief Inspector. TxDOT and Contractor should present their representatives at the pre-construction meeting. It is recommended that these representatives communicate with project managers, construction inspectors and contractor personnel during the completion of the CSGC to communicate findings. It is expected that needed action(s) should occur early in the process for any issue including those which could be potentially noncompliant. Input and/or action(s) may be needed by other parties (i.e. AE, DEQC, AP&D, ENV Coordinator, etc.) to resolve issue(s).

Anchor: #i1063361


The CSGC should be completed on construction and maintenance contracts that have soil disturbing activities and/or environmental permit requirements. Types of projects include new location, existing pavement rehabilitations/widening, culvert work, bridge rehabilitation/ replacement. Districts should determine whether the CSGC should be completed on minimal soil disturbance type projects such as MBGF upgrade, landscaping, or ACP overlays. Typical projects not requiring the CSGC would be crack sealing, retrace striping, seal coating, or bridge joint repair on non-historic structures.

Anchor: #i1063374


The initial CSGC inspection should occur within one month of beginning initial construction activities and at minimum annually, or if project is less than one year when 50% of work has been completed. Annual DEQC inspections cannot be used in place of this inspection requirement unless the TxDOT inspector and Contractor representative are present and involved during inspection. Frequency for completing additional CSGC inspections by TxDOT and Contractor CRPE will be determined at the preconstruction. Factors influencing frequency include permit requirements, duration/complexity of the project. It is recommended that completed CSGC be reviewed by another TxDOT representative for quality monitoring of the environmental process.

Anchor: #i1063386

Documentation and Record Retention

The completed CSGC must be kept with project files and retained according to file retention requirements. For projects within the MS4 area, records must be made available upon request by TCEQ and no later than 24 hours from when the request was made. The CSGC may be stored in the SWP3 Binder in Attachment 2.5 pertaining to inspections (Attachment 2.3 for projects that disturb less than an acre) or in a separate project file folder as long as the information is easily accessible.

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