Chapter 4: Project Records and Closeout


Section 1: Importance of Accurate Records

Anchor: #b040001


Complete and accurate records are important for proper administration of all contracts. Document all important information related to the performance of the work. Contract records are required for legal purposes and provide for the following:

    Anchor: #QKLWWFYA
  • facts and details of all tests, inspections and work performed, including activities, events, critical path work performed and cancelled, visitors, directions, disputes, conflicts and resolutions, correspondence, and any issues relating to the project;
  • Anchor: #HOLTKPQH
  • include information recorded by or from a person with direct knowledge of the event.
  • Anchor: #KWDLVQAH
  • include information recorded at or near the time of the events, but no later than the third day after the event.
  • Anchor: #WLUNPUUK
  • ensure only authorized personnel enters the information.
  • Anchor: #LFYPLKGD
  • proof of and support for decisions, actions, and fulfillment of the Department's responsibilities; and
  • Anchor: #NMVESFWS
  • documentation of the contractor’s compliance or noncompliance, with the contract plans and specifications.

The Daily Work Report (DWR) is the Department's official record of what occurs on a construction project. DWRs are to include anything that has occurred on the project such as discussions, decisions (including the source), work performed, disputes, escalations and resolutions, weather, and visitors. Project meetings, correspondence (letters and email), and Change Orders (COs) should be either documented through DWR entries or flagged (test reports, COs, etc.) When making DWR entries, staff must also consider situations beyond the contractor's control and actions by TxDOT's project personnel that may have influenced the contractor's performance-either positively or negatively.

Maintain complete, clear, and accurate records that provide documentation of contractor delays, quantity variations, unacceptable work, quality of materials, surveying problems, and other points of contention. Complete documentation supports the Department's position in case a formal dispute or claim is made. (Reference Chapter 8 for more information regarding disputes and claims.)

Anchor: #i1104326


General correspondence is maintained in the project records to document the communication between two or more parties through letters or emails. Correspondence can be subject to open records request.

Be aware of your District policies regarding correspondence and the templates available. Only TxDOT personnel may use Department letterhead.

CST templates are available on the Crossroads website (internal access only).

Anchor: #i1104343

Project Record Reviews

All projects are to be inspected/reviewed on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the contract requirements and that the work is performed according to the plans and specifications. District offices should document their project record reviews for project records compliance at 30%/60%/90% completion (based on project dollar values). 30, 60, 90 Project Review Template (internal access only).

Anchor: #b040003

Electronic Records

Electronic collection and records retention must be acceptable from an engineering, audit, and legal standpoint; therefore, any records system should allow for the reconstruction of the chain of events that occurs on a contract. Meet the following requirements relating to electronic records.

Refer to Records Management Manual, Chapter 7 “Electronic Records,” for additional information.

Follow Records Retention Schedule (internal access only) for proper destruction of electronic records.

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