Anchor: #i1062657

Section 8: Noise/Sound Walls

Ensure compliance with commitments made for the project regarding noise abatement. If necessary, do the following as required in the contract:

    Anchor: #DIMJCVWN
  • Become aware of the commitments pertaining to noise abatement as proposed in the traffic noise analysis report and as implemented in the PS&E.
  • Anchor: #JPSHXQPC
  • Ensure the noise/sound walls required by commitments are installed to provide mitigation to adjacent impacted noise-sensitive receptors.
  • Anchor: #IVGFBJUF
  • Ensure that district environmental staff and ENV are notified and/or given an opportunity to review change orders that affect noise abatement included in the PS&E. ENV submits inventory information on constructed noise barriers to FHWA every three years and needs accurate information about changes.

If phasing or timing regarding noise/sound walls are not specified in the general notes or traffic control plan of the PS&E, contractors are encouraged to schedule and perform work related to noise/sound walls early during construction. This provides mitigation for noise impacts to communities adjacent to the project.

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