Section 3: On-the-Job Training

Anchor: #i1010973


Reference the Civil Rights Division (CIV) On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program webpage or contact CIV at (512) 416-4700 for more information regarding the OJT Program.

Anchor: #b150014


The Department has established an On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program in accordance with 23 CFR Part 230, Subpart A. It is TxDOT’s policy to require full utilization of all available training and skill improvement opportunities to assure the increased participation of minority group, female, and disadvantaged individuals in all phases of the highway construction industry.

Under 23 CFR 230 and 23 USC 140, the Department has the authority to conduct contractor compliance reviews of contractors to ensure compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) contract provisions and the implementation of special requirements for the provision of OJT training ( 23 CFR 230.111). A Contractor’s failure to comply with the requirements of OJT special provisions will constitute a material breach of the contract.

TxDOT’s CIV will notify every contractor selected for participation in the program at the beginning of each calendar year and advise them of the number of trainees they are expected to support. Participating contractors must enroll, train and graduate a number of trainees sufficient to meet their assigned annual trainee goal.

Anchor: #i1010948

Contract Provisions

Special Provision 000-006 “On-the-Job Training Program,” is included in all TxDOT federal-aid construction contract proposals effective with the January 2014 state letting.

Anchor: #i1035521

Diversity Management System

For projects with annual goals, Contractors must submit all OJT information through the Diversity Management System (DMS). OJT progress reports should be submitted monthly, on the 10th of the following month through DMS.

Per the Federal OJT Manual:

Upon submission of the monthly reports, compliance staff in the AO will verify the training hours and wage rates against certified payroll for accuracy. Certified payroll must reflect the trainee’s training classification and the actual number of hours of training for that payroll period.

District staff will conduct labor interviews and wage rate monitoring utilizing Form 2220, “Labor Standards Review.” At least one interview per trainee should be conducted during their training period to verify training status and/or progress toward completing the training program. A copy of the completed form will be uploaded to the trainee record in DMS.

For reimbursement, district personnel can either add a detail number during contract activation or by change order to pay contractors. Reimbursement is allowed only on federal-aid projects where the total hours to be reimbursed have been verified through a review of certified payrolls, and accurately reflect the total hours of actual training. The contractor will not be reimbursed if there was a lack of good faith effort on their part in meeting the requirements of the program.

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