Section 4: Project Records

Anchor: #b040007

Notice of Beginning Work

After the Preconstruction Meeting and prior to beginning work, the Area Engineer (AE) will send the Director of Construction (DOC) a Work Begin Memo by email including the CSJ and date work begin.

Immediately after the contractor begins work, the District inputs the Work Begin date in SiteManager’s Critical Dates tab. The Work Begin Date is when barricades are placed or when breaking ground, whichever occurs first. Enter the Work Begin Date only once for each construction contract.

When the contractor requests payment for material on hand (MOH) for projects such as seal coat or traffic signal installation before actual work begins or time charges begin, payment may be made:

Anchor: #b040023

Progress Schedules

Obtain a progress schedule from the contractor prior to the beginning of work. Ensure that the progress schedule conforms to the contract requirements, specifications, and Chapter 10 of this manual, and contains the following:

    Anchor: #BTJXOBJI
  • all planned work activities and sequences
  • Anchor: #LRLSPORH
  • documentation that contract completion will occur within the number of working days specified or acknowledgment that the contractor is planning on exceeding working days
  • Anchor: #PQQKAUPK
  • major material procurements
  • Anchor: #DIGWKIWE
  • known utility relocations
  • Anchor: #GOWSLOAK
  • beginning and ending dates, and duration in number of working days for each activity,
  • Anchor: #XMWRLFOA
  • estimated production rate per working day for each work activity, and
  • Anchor: #OWQPMMNN
  • other activities that may affect completion of the contract.

Unless otherwise shown in the contract, obtain monthly updated progress schedules from the contractor no later than the 20th calendar day of the following month. Review the schedule to ensure conformance with the contract. If the progress schedule indicates that the contract will not be completed within the number of working days specified, obtain written clarification that states whether the contractor will revise the progress schedule to meet the number of working days specified or will exceed the number of working days specified.

Review major changes to the progress schedule that may affect compliance with the contract requirements or that change the critical path or controlling item of work. These proposed major changes may be rejected. When reviewing the schedule, consider how approved or potential COs may impact or reflect on the schedule. A notice of potential time impact or time analysis may be submitted by the contractor when they believe a time adjustment is justified. When the district receives a notice of a potential time impact, the district may request that the contractor start the time impact analysis process. Refer to Section in the Standard Specifications.

For multiple work order contracts, ensure that the contractor submits a progress schedule for each work order.

Anchor: #b040008

Daily Project Records

A properly maintained daily account of all project activities provides invaluable documentation of the prosecution of work and related events. The SiteManager DWR is the official project record for construction projects. The official location to record time charges/credits for construction projects is the SiteManager Diary.

For projects involving multiple inspectors, the Project Engineer or Chief Inspector may maintain the general project record, while all other inspectors file supplementary daily project records. Avoid conflicting DWRs and duplication of contractor forces and equipment.

Maintain and update the daily project record in such a manner that new personnel may take over the inspection work and maintenance of the record at any time. Do not keep duplicate records.

Anchor: #i1052885

SiteManager Daily Work Report (DWR)

DWR entries must include, as a minimum, the following:

DWR Template Guidance can be found on the CST Support page (internal access only).

DWR entries include, if applicable, but are not limited to the topic listed on the guidance.

When working day charges are suspended due to non-acquired right of way (ROW), railroad issues, or utility relocation, list the weather conditions in the DWR with a note indicating whether a day would normally be charged in accordance with the contract. This allows for easy determination of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) participation. Exclude working days that would not have been charged due to weather conditions when calculating FHWA non-participation

Complete at least one DWR and a project diary entry for each day from the date the contractor begins work or the date working day charges begin, whichever occurs first to the completion of the work.

When the project is complete, ensure that all records and documents pertaining to the project (daily diaries, pay records, photos, correspondence, etc.) are maintained in the location specified by the District. See Section 5, “Project Closeout,” for more information.

Anchor: #i1044053

DWR Authorization

    Anchor: #ABFSYJLK
  • Ensure there is a minimum of two individuals involved in the authorization of the DWR so that the individual inputting the information in the DWR is not the same individual authorizing the DWR.
  • Anchor: #QQALWRVF
  • By checking the authorized box. In SiteManager the checker has made a reasonable and good faith effort to ensure the information included with this DWR is complete and can be included for payment.
  • Anchor: #SKWKYJPV
  • Authorize DWRs in a timely manner.
Anchor: #i1056204

Third-Party Damage Procedures

For direction on third-party damage procedures, refer to the District Damage Claim Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) available on the Maintenance Division's page (internal access only).

Anchor: #b040009

Materials Received

Maintain records for all materials received on each project. When purchasing materials by weight, develop, document and use a method to ensure that all material weights are accurate. The weight verification program includes random check weighing, observation of weighing procedures, inspection of scales, and observation of plant weighing. Determine the method for verifying weight based on available personnel, equipment, and existing conditions. Refer to Chapter 11, “Measure and Payment,” for a summary of the measurement and payment process.

When the contractor furnishes materials from within the construction project, refer to established laws; policies; procedures; and Article 6.8, “Use of Materials Found on the Right of Way” Article 9.1, “Measurement of Quantities”; and Item 520, “Weighing and Measuring Equipment.”

Document any revisions to the materials testing schedules. Ensure that materials testing records are audited by the District Construction Auditor or Area Engineer to ensure that all materials placed on a project are received from approved suppliers and are tested in compliance with the requirements established for the contract and approved by the Project Engineer.

Ensure all materials received comply with Item 6 “Buy America,” of the Standard Specifications. Refer to Chapter 6, “Control of Materials,” Section 3, “Buy America,” for information on the Extended Buy America Requirements. For fully state funded jobs, “Buy America” and “Buy Texas” apply.

Anchor: #b040010

Records on Temporary Suspension of Work or Working Day Charges

When work or working day charges are temporarily suspended, provide the contractor a written notice that includes the reasons for the action and the effective date of the suspension. Record the suspension and reasons in the DWR accordingly. For additional information, refer to Chapter 10, Section 5, “Temporary Suspension of Work or Working Day Charges.”

Anchor: #b040011

Resumption of Work

When work and working day charges are resumed, notify the contractor in writing of the work resumption. Record the resumption in the daily project records (DWR).

Anchor: #b040012

Working Day Charges

Working day charges are kept correct and current by daily entry into the SiteManager Diary. Provide a credit reason when a working day is not charged.

Once an Estimate has been processed, working day charges and credits may not be changed without AE approval.

Anchor: #b040013

Anticipated Project Completion Letter

See Chapter 3, Section 2, “Legislative Notification Requirements,” for information.

Anchor: #i1106051

Bulletin Board Checklist

The Prime Contractor is responsible for setting up and maintaining the project bulletin board on all state and federally funded construction projects. The primary location is the field office or a general location where employees gather, but also needs to be visible to the general public. For mobile operations, the suggested method is a foldable board on the side of a tool or utility trailer displayed close to the work location for the day. No binders are allowed per the Department of Labor.

Review the bulletin board utilizing the checklist after initial set up and during project reviews. Additional reviews may be performed depending on the board's exposure to weather and general location. Address any deficiencies with the contractor. File all checklist with the project records.

Anchor: #b040015

Final Plans

Upon project completion, revise the original plans to show the project as-built. Place the words “FINAL PLANS” in a conspicuous place on the title sheet with the following:

Show a summary of all COs on the title sheet. If needed, insert a separate summary sheet immediately following the title sheet.

For projects involving bridge construction, the drilled shaft or pile foundations tip elevation must be indicated on the bridge layouts in the final (as-built) plans. A copy of all As-built Bridge Plan Sheets, Pile Driving Records (TxPlng.xlsm), and Drill Shaft Records (TxDrlShft.xlsm) are to be provided to the district bridge office to be included in the bridge file in the bridge inspection management system (currently AssetWise). Refer to Bridge Division Field Operations for guidance (internal access only).

Shop drawings are to be placed in the final as-built plans.

The responsible Engineer affixes the final plans statement to the title sheet and signs, seals, and dates the final as-built plans. Send As-Built drawings to If the file is too large to email you can send it to CST via us through Be sure to indicate it is a set of “As-Built” plans.

Anchor: #i1020239

Supplemental Agreements (SA)

Send all SAs to CST for review and execution. Refer to Chapter 7, Section 4, “Supplemental Agreements,” for detailed information.

Anchor: #i1106313

Final Estimates (FE)

Refer to Chapter 11 Section 1, “Estimates and Issues Affecting Payments.”

Anchor: #i1106435

Form FHWA 1494 – Semi-Annual Labor Compliance Enforcement Report

This report contains information concerning the compliance and enforcement of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) for projects. Semi-annual reports requiring time periods are October 1 through March 31 and April 1 through September 30. Refer to Chapter 15, Section 2, “Labor Requirements” for additional information.

Anchor: #i1106744

Materials Certification Letter

Materials Certification letters are discussed in Chapter 6 of this manual as well as in the Quality Assurance Program for Design-Bid-Build Projects.

Anchor: #i1106872

Form FHWA-1391 – “Federal-Aid Highway Construction Contractors Annual EEO Report”

Refer to the Civil Rights Division (CIV) website for time-sensitive information and guidance regarding Forms FHWA-1391 and FHWA-1392.

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