Anchor: #i1037452

Section 5: Preconstruction Safety Meeting

Anchor: #i1037461

Purpose of the Preconstruction Safety Meeting

The purpose of the safety pre-construction meeting is to discuss work zone safety with Department personnel, the contractor’s staff, law enforcement agencies, etc. This meeting should establish lines of authority and communication; determine the responsibilities and duties of contractor’s personnel, subcontractors, and Department personnel; clarify potential sources of misunderstanding; and work out the detailed arrangements necessary for the safe and successful completion of the contract. Maintain a written record of the meeting (e.g., meeting minutes) in the contract file, together with any required documentation provided to resource agencies.

Anchor: #i1037475

Preconstruction Safety Meeting Responsibilities

The preconstruction safety meeting takes place immediately after the preconstruction conference.

Ensure meeting attendees include:

Anchor: #i1037523

Preconstruction Safety Meeting Agenda

Use the safety meeting agenda found in Form 2796, “Pre-Construction Conference – Agenda (internal access only).” Prepare a preconstruction safety meeting agenda to discuss specific items. Tailor the agenda to the specific project to ensure important topics are discussed with appropriate detail.

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