Section 2: Manual Description

Anchor: #b010002

Use of this Manual

This manual, prepared by CST, provides DEs, Directors of Construction (DOCs), AEs, and their various representatives, including inspectors and record keepers, a representation of policies for administering construction contracts. This manual is only one of the components used to manage a successful construction contract. Other TxDOT resources include but are not limited to the following:

Items listed below are internal access only:

Anchor: #b010003

How this Manual is Organized

This manual is organized into 16 chapters, as outlined in the following:

    Anchor: #FPXTPDFJ
  • Chapter 1 - “Introduction” Provides a general overview of the purpose and scope of the manual.
  • Anchor: #DUPIKAST
  • Chapter 2 - “Pre-Award Activities” Provides guidance on pre-award activities such as competitive bid requirements, Pre-Bid Q&A, addenda, and pre-bid conference.
  • Anchor: #IKXGHGKW
  • Chapter 3 - “Post-Award Activities” Outlines press release information, legislative notification requirements, beginning of work, partnering, preconstruction and safety meeting.
  • Anchor: #HBGKKVCM
  • Chapter 4 - “Project Records and Closeout” Summarizes the importance of accurate project records, Traffic Control Plan (TCP) and project closeout.
  • Anchor: #SSIUVDRL
  • Chapter 5 - “Control of the Work” Covers project authority, work documents, staking the project, inspections, prime contractor performance evaluations and project evaluation.
  • Anchor: #EJMSFLJI
  • Chapter 6 - “Control of Materials” Summarizes the control of materials covering material management, sampling and testing, and required forms.
  • Anchor: #BGQSNCTJ
  • Chapter 7 - “Changes to the Contract” Covers changes to the contract, including processing of change orders, other contract agreements, contract termination, etc.
  • Anchor: #YSKYTHRC
  • Chapter 8 - “Disputes and Claims” Outlines contract disputes and department claim process.
  • Anchor: #FVLOPMAJ
  • Chapter 9 - “Legal Relations and Responsibilities” Covers legal relations and responsibilities.
  • Anchor: #DGCDRALA
  • Chapter 10 - “Prosecution and Progress” Outlines project schedules, subcontracting, contract time, workday charges and time suspension, project timeliness, and default of contract.
  • Anchor: #SUQPEGSQ
  • Chapter 11 - “Measurement and Payment” Summarizes the measurement and payment process and outlines the importance of prompt pay.
  • Anchor: #KXANXMSH
  • Chapter 12 - “Environment” Provides insight into environmental permits, issues and commitments including other requirements. These topics include hazardous material/waste handling, biological and water resources, cultural resource management, noise/barriers, project-specific locations, and handling surplus materials.
  • Anchor: #VOLTVSWL
  • Chapter 13 - “Health and Safety” Provides information on health and safety laws and contract requirements.
  • Anchor: #FFIWUPXC
  • Chapter 14 - “Small Business Program” Provides an overview of the Department's Business Opportunity Programs.
  • Anchor: #NEVWAQQV
  • Chapter 15 - “Contractor Workforce” Covers items such as labor laws and On-the-Job Training (OJT).
  • Anchor: #ANYEUDTS
  • Chapter 16 - “FHWA Oversight Requirements” Outlines requirements including final inspection of federal-aid projects.
Anchor: #b010004

Manual Update

This manual will be updated annually to reflect new changes and will continue to be improved. Please submit any suggestions, comments, or questions to CST.

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