Section 2: Change Order Approval Authority

CO approval authority is based on the Standard Operating Procedure No. 01-22 (SOP) showing that the District Engineers (DEs) will delegate signature authority in accordance with policy. When signed by the designated official, the CO is approved.

Adhere to district policy and procedures in the review and approval of COs that may be approved at the district level.

Anchor: #b070016

Federal-Aid Projects

Refer to Chapter 16, “FHWA Oversight Requirements,” for more information.

Anchor: #b070004

State Funded Projects

COs on state funded projects are approved in accordance with the approval authority outlined in the Standard Operating Procedure No. 01-22 (SOP). CO work may not begin until either written or verbal approval is obtained. (Written documentation is required to follow up verbal approval.) Signatures must follow District, Construction Division, and Executive Director Signature authority found on Contract Services Division (CSD) webpage.

Anchor: #i1010521

Extending or Adding Project Limits to the Contract

Districts may extend or add project limits if all of the following conditions are met.

If all the above conditions are not met, a CO must be submitted for DE approval, regardless of the amount. Be sure to maintain the integrity of the competitive bid process.

Use the following procedure to add CSJs to the contract through a contract CO,

How to Add CSJ’s to the Contract (State Funded Projects Only):

    Anchor: #KEECYAHU
  • District – Notifies CST, DES, and the Financial Management Division (FIN) there is a need to add a new CSJ to a project, Assigns CSJ number, Updates the “Remarks” field on the P1 screen in the Design and Construction Information System (DCIS).
  • Anchor: #SVYPECFT
  • CST – Updates SiteManager
  • Anchor: #ADDWSKYJ
  • DES – Updates “Contract CSJ” field in DCIS
  • Anchor: #BJMPOGYJ
  • FIN – Adds the CSJ to DIMS upon receipt of the CO.
Anchor: #i1045133

CO Submission Requirements Related to Added Limits

The approval of added limit COs will require the following documentation:

CST should be consulted to review significant COs with added limits and/or significant change in scope.

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