Anchor: #i1057611

Section 5: Project Closeout

Anchor: #i1057639


Project Closeout is the process of collecting all of the paperwork required to be submitted over the life of the project, to support pay quantities and to support the decisions made during the life of the project. The information contained in this documentation may be needed in the future if a claim or lawsuit is filed. The project closeout is a two-step process, beginning with project record keepers in the Area Office (AO) and finished by the District Construction Office (DCO). Close out a project within 60 days from final acceptance.

The following checklist was created to assist the AOs and may not be all-inclusive. Individual projects may include additional items. Review the available project information, including the plans, specifications, and special provisions.

Include all files, tickets, etc. in the project files; do not retain project information in the AO.

Anchor: #i1057712

Project Closeout Checklist

    Anchor: #SYEKDNGR
  1. Project Event List - A chronological list of all of the major events on the project
  2. Anchor: #AJWFJHLV
  3. Preconstruction Contract Correspondence
  4. Anchor: #TPTVLVOL
  5. Contract
  6. Anchor: #JIKWWCAP
  7. Bid Tabulations
  8. Anchor: #UWEPGCWU
  9. Utility or ROW Conflicts
  10. Anchor: #USKRHDFS
  11. Railroad Right of Entry (ROE)
  12. Anchor: #KKLHMDVP
  13. Preconstruction Meeting Notes, Sign-In Sheets, etc.
  14. Anchor: #QFHVHRTB
  15. Partnering Meeting, Invoice, etc.
  16. Anchor: #IQEQOGKD
  17. Preconstruction Safety Meeting Notes
  18. Anchor: #WUJWVNBM
  19. DBE/SBE Subcontractors
  20. Anchor: #LMOQOIHM
  21. Subcontractor Approval (Form 2802 Contractor Request for Sub Approval for projects let May 2020)
  22. Anchor: #XTEJXPIE
  23. Monthly/Final Prompt Payment certification
  24. Anchor: #WSBGNTME
  25. Prompt Pay Audits (Form 2177A)
  26. Anchor: #UJEFFTCP
  27. Project Schedule
  28. Anchor: #LTXAGEKN
  29. Materials
  30. Anchor: #JLCXRQAO
  31. Construction
  32. Anchor: #GPJOOCED
  33. Equipment Verifications
  34. Anchor: #LTFBYBCV
  35. DWRs - make sure all DWRs in SiteManager have been authorized
  36. Anchor: #POOVIUWV
  37. Monthly Estimates
  38. Anchor: #JBYBPNUB
  39. COs, Force Account, etc. - All correspondence and approved or unapproved COs
  40. Anchor: #MWUHAOQX
  41. Dispute Correspondence, Requests for additional compensation, etc., – approvals, denials
  42. Anchor: #NUKXIMSA
  43. Traffic Control Plans, Revisions, Contractor Proposed Changes, etc.
      Anchor: #FJXLPAQJ
    • Paper copies of Form 599, “Traffic Control Devices Inspection Report”
    • Anchor: #NRWIKLHT
    • The 599 folder is separate from the project files, labeled with “DO NOT DISCLOSE - EXCEPTED FROM DISCLOSURE BY 23 USC §407.” This file is considered safety information that federal law exempts from discovery, which makes them exempt from disclosure under the Public Information Act
  44. Anchor: #QKHLYGKH
  45. Environmental Compliance
  46. Anchor: #DVBEDHEU
  47. Buy America/Buy Texas Documentation
  48. Anchor: #QRCECYJL
  49. Overweight Construction Traffic Submittals and Approvals
  50. Anchor: #EXHSFJIH
  51. Construction Equipment Operating on Structures or Materials Stored on Structures Plans and Approvals
  52. Anchor: #IPYGBKKY
  53. Employee Certifications
  54. Anchor: #WJUJTDQG
  55. Labor Compliance
  56. Anchor: #GUQJTGEC
  57. Incident and Injury Reporting (for projects let before September 2020 in which SP 000-010 was not removed by change order)
      Anchor: #OMUTRGXX
    • Check EPRS to ensure contractor has submitted incidents and injuries that have occurred on the project. These should correspond to information in the DWRs.
  58. Anchor: #FNWXXQEE
  59. Other Correspondence
  60. Anchor: #BVTYJTGF
  61. Disposal of Wells Plugging Report
  62. Anchor: #EUMXJMJM
  63. As Built Plans
  64. Anchor: #OWEOKWDN
  65. Statement of Cost (SOC) (if applicable)
  66. Anchor: #DYDYGSNK
  67. Final hard copy Contractor Performance Evaluation Form 2707, Form 2707R and complete backup documentation saved in a folder separate from the project files, labeled “DO NOT DISCLOSE - Attorney General Opinion Required.”
  68. Anchor: #UBQIKIWU
  69. Form 2803 Project Evaluations (Design) - Required for all Final Estimates processed after NOV 2022
  70. Anchor: #KCYEGRCF
  71. District project review(s).
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