Anchor: #i1000692

Section 3: Overview of Creating and Updating Project Information

Anchor: #i1005900


Creating and updating project information in DCIS is a joint effort between the district and Austin offices. Security access to DCIS is through a “sign-on” key and password. Contact the automation administrator about problems or questions concerning the sign-on key and level of authorization to update and/or view project records in DCIS. The automation administrator can also help with sign-on and sign-off procedures, obtaining reports, etc.

Anchor: #i1005910

Security System

Security items are required to access the department’s information systems. For DCIS, authorized users must have the following:

  • A sign-on user ID/ ACID
  • A user password
  • Approved access to DCIS.

At TxDOT offices using a local area network (LAN) of computers, additional security codes may be needed:

  • LAN log-in name
  • LAN password.
Anchor: #i1005958

Key Descriptor Used in DCIS

The control-section-job (CSJ) number is the key descriptor for the record of each project in DCIS. Each project’s CSJ is a nine-digit number consisting of four digits representing the control, two digits representing the section and a three digit job number. Enter the CSJ on the DCIS menu screen. Always enter zeros where they are part of the CSJ. Do not enter dashes. DCIS will display the CSJ with dashes for ease in reading.

Anchor: #i1005968

CSJ Example and Definition of Parts

Following is an example of a CSJ and definitions of its parts:

Example of CSJ number. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000710grtop

Figure 1-1. Example of CSJ number.

Control – A definite section of highway with well-defined geographic termini (usually 25 to 30 miles).

Section – Part of the control that is a shorter, logical, and practical length.

Job – The unique job number assigned in numerical order within the limits of each control-section.

Anchor: #i1006002

Types of Control-Section Numbers

Following are the types of control-section numbers used to identify various kinds of projects.

Control-Section Maps – Highways that are permanently on the state highway system have been assigned unique control and section numbers. These can be found on department control-section maps.

Countywide – Projects that are temporarily designated on the state highway system during construction only, such as metropolitan highway (MH) or off system bridge projects, are assigned countywide control-section and job numbers.

Districtwide – Projects that consist of miscellaneous type work in several counties are assigned districtwide control-section and job numbers.

Anchor: #i1006027

Types of CSJs

The two types of CSJs in DCIS are planning CSJs and authorized CSJs.

Planning CSJ – Based on a control-section number as discussed above with a 900-999 series job number (i.e., 1111-22-900 or 1111-22-901).

Planning CSJs:

  • can be created and updated by any authorized user in district or Austin office
  • do not have funds available
  • can be used to create authorized CSJs.

Authorized CSJ – Based on a control-section number as discussed above with a 001-899 series job number (i.e., 1111-22-001 or 1111-22-002).

Authorized CSJs:

  • can be created only by authorized users in TPP(P)
  • must have funds available.

Authorized users in the district should update the authorized CSJ’s unrestricted fields such as estimated construction and right of way costs, estimated district letting date, etc.

Anchor: #i1006087

DCIS Files

DCIS is a very large database organized with files. Each CSJ record has information in the various files. The four files are:

  • File 121 - DCIS project information
  • File 122 - DCIS work program
  • File 123 - DCIS project estimate
  • File 124 - DCIS contract letting.
Anchor: #i1006117

Data Dictionaries

Fields on the various DCIS screens are defined so that consistent information is entered and retrieved. Field definitions are in the data dictionaries for DCIS, Files 121, 122, 123 and 124. Copies of the data dictionaries are accessible through the department’s system of ROSCOE (regional ROSCOE). Directions are found in Chapter 5, Category Selections of this manual, DCIS Reports Guide.

To correlate the names of the fields as shown on the screens with the actual names of the fields (and metric fields if the 1995 Metric Specifications Book was used) in the data dictionaries, refer to the charts (one for each screen) in Appendix A.

Anchor: #i1006140

TACS Tables

Fields defined as codes are validated by a Tables and Characteristics System, called a TACS table in DCIS. A TACS table is a double listing of coded values and the corresponding names or descriptions. Copies of the various TACS tables are accessible through the department’s system of ROSCOE (regional ROSCOE). Directions are found in Chapter 5, RJEJCL Category Selections of this manual, DCIS Reports Guide.

The following chart shows some fields in DCIS validated by TACS tables:

Anchor: #i1004409DCIS Field Names versus TACS Table Names

Field Name

TACS Table Name

TACS Description (and Notes)


Control Section


District, county, highway number

NOTE: Do not print table. It is sustained in length.


County Number


County name and district

FIN (Accounting)

Manager Number


Manager name

FIN (Accounting)

Project Class


Project classification

NOTE: A discussion of classifications starts in Appendix B.


Work Program Number


Work program name and number


Apportionment Code


Apportionment codes and default percent for federal, and state participation




Category name


Function Code


Function code ranges


City Code


City name

FIN (Accounting)

(Various fields on the project evaluation screen)


Based on project classification, this TACS table requires certain screen data on project evaluation screen

NOTE: Information such as number of lanes, facility type, length, etc., is required for reporting purposes [especially for the Legislative Appropriation Request (LAR) performance measure reporting process.]


Special - account Numbers


Special accounts, local participation, and miscellaneous cost.


Fund Source


Fund source name

FIN (Accounting)

Field Name

TACS Table Name

TACS Description (and Notes)

Responsible Division

Provision Numbers


Used in the Spec List to initialize bid item provision numbers


Reference Numbers


Used in the Spec List to initialize reference numbers


Bid Item Legal Descriptions


Used in the Spec List for bid item legal descriptions


Bridge Types


Bridge Types (Used in card type 12)

BRG (Bridge)

Required Special Provisions FED/STATE


Used to maintain required Special Provisions for federal and state projects


State House


State House District




State Senate District


Federal House


Federal House District


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