Anchor: #i1000509

Section 2: Project Finance Screens

Anchor: #i1010920


The project finance screens are two DCIS screens containing financial information about the project. The project finance-percent screen is a companion screen available only from the project’s finance screen. Both project finance screens are required to set up a project record (a CSJ) in DCIS. The project finance screen (P2) allows funds from different categories to be combined for the CSJ. EXCEPTION: Maintenance funds must not be combined with construction funds.

Anchor: #i1010931

Project Finance Screen Layout

Following is a copy of a blank project finance screen (P2).

Blank Project Finance screen (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1019072grtop

Figure 2-2. Blank Project Finance screen

NOTE: The PF10 key is available from this screen.

Press the PF10 key to view the project finance-percent screen.

The project finance-percent screen is a companion screen created from information shown on the project finance screen. The district must verify the percent of federal, state and/or local participation, and change the percents on the screen if necessary.

Anchor: #i1010968

Fields on Project Finance Screen

Brief descriptions of the fields on the project finance screen (P2) follow in physical order. This information is also found in the DCIS Data Dictionary for File 121.

CTL-SEC-JOB – This field is a display of the project’s control-section job number.

District Estimated Amount – The amount displayed in this nine-digit field is the same as Latest Est Of Cost (Const) from the project identification screen (P1) when there is not a valid on-line estimate in DCIS. When there is a valid on-line estimate in DCIS with a card type 9 (end of money card), this field is a calculated field based on the date in the on-line estimate. This field is locked when the district changes the EST-CODE from a "p" to an "8".

Low Bid Amount – Restricted field. No entry in this field until project is let or funds transferred. This nine-digit field with two decimal places represents the total obligated amount for this project (including all other participation, i.e., local contributions and local matching funds). The total obligated amount shown in this field is the low bid. This field is updated by a batch program after letting, after the letting code is changed to an “A” (indicating awarded contract). This field also can be updated manually by DES(LM).

Date Of Last Estimate – This field is a display of the date when the estimated construction cost was last changed. This date changes automatically when the estimated construction cost is changed.

Local Contribution – This field (space for nine digits) should show the estimated amount the district expects to receive from local entities toward the project’s estimation construction cost. This does not include local matching funds. The amount of local contribution must be entered manually by the district. A note stating the amount of funds to be contributed and the source of the funds should also be included at the end of the estimate using a type 3 card. (Example: City of Georgetown to contribute $100,000 towards the funding of this project.) The amount in this field is used in funding calculations for the STIP screens, the work program status report and the project estimate.

Tapered Match – Input Y for yes or leave blank. Tapered Match is a Federal innovative financing tool which allows the federal share to apply to the total project costs, instead of applying to each contract payment, thus allowing TxDOT to receive the entire federal share of a project’s cost before expending State funds. DES(LM) updates this field.

Anchor: #i1019185

Preservation and % Mobility Fields

TxDOT is required to report expenditures to the Legislature per established definitions. In the past, we have reported "construction" expenditures and "maintenance" expenditures. Construction was defined as work in all categories of the UTP, with the exception of preventive maintenance (CPM). Maintenance was defined as preventive maintenance, contracted maintenance and routine maintenance.

To better identify the actual work being done, these definitions have changed to "mobility" and "preservation". In an effort to accurately track and report expenditures to the Legislature using these newly established definitions, we have added two new fields to the DCIS Project Finance (P2) screen, "Mobility Percent" and "Preservation Percent".

Mobility Percent – Percentage (whole numbers) should be based on any costs directly associated with the construction of additional lanes for added capacity in this CSJ. This field is updated by the districts. The % is locked once an approved letting date is on the P1 screen and can be changed by Design and Traffic field area personnel.

Preservation Percent – Percentage (whole numbers) should be based on all other work and other costs not covered in the above Mobility Percent definition. This field is updated by the districts. The % is locked once an approved letting date is on the P1 screen and can be changed by Design and Traffic field area personnel.

The sum of mobility and preservation percentages should equal 100%. When one field is updated the other field will automatically be updated to equal 100%.

When prorating your estimate using the combined flags on the Contract Summary (C1) screen (AO, A1, BO, B1, etc.), Preservation and Mobility Percents must be consistent between primary and secondary CSJs.

Toll Credits – Input % of State match used on the project being replaced with a toll credits (example 20%). Toll credits are the amount of dollars spent to construct a highway system by private entities where no federal and/or state funds have been used. The amount spent is documented to the FHWA. Their approval results in “toll credits” which may be used in place of matching funds. Use of toll credits must be reflected in an approved federal project authorization and agreement (FPAA) form. DES(LM) updates this field.

Other Participation – This field (space for ten digits) must show the total estimated amount of funding participation from all sources other than state or FHWA in the project's cost of construction. This field should be the sum of local contribution and local match. This amount must be entered manually by the district as soon as possible. An amount in this field is an indicator to the Austin office (Office of General Council - Consultant Services Section (OGC-CSS)) that a funding escrow agreement is necessary. Other participation may come from a city, county, agency such as Corps of Engineers, businesses, etc. After letting, the district must update this field to reflect the actual low bid amount for other participation. If no other participation (other than state or FHWA) is anticipated, this field should be zero and is entered by the districts.

Work Program – Required field. This six-character field represents a project’s commission authorization. A work program is an identifier assigned to each program of work authorized by the commission. The commission authorizes program amounts for activities which reflect the commission’s intention to address a specific activity, in preventive maintenance or rehabilitation. Entries in this field are validated by the TACS table DCSWPGMS which contains the work program numbers and names, (see Category Selections). On the project finance screen (P2), up to ten entries of work program numbers are allowed in order to combine funds from various categories and/or work programs. The work program number applies to each of the other entries (fields) on the same line. The district should enter the work program number(s) from where funds for the project are anticipated, and the other fields on the same line. (Note: The fields of Funct, Date, and Min Ord Number are restricted fields not available to the district.) The district can update the information on a horizontal line up to the time a commission minute order number is entered on that line by TPP(P). After that time, only TPP(P) can update the information on that line. A minute order indicates that the work program funds are authorized for the function code ranges shown. A work program number should only be listed once per project. If additional funds are needed from a work program number with a minute order already entered, contact TPP(P).

PID – PID stands for project identifier and serves as an additional means (for district personnel) to track unique projects.

Authorized Amount – Required field. This field (space for eleven digits) represents in whole dollars the program cost identified for the work program number entered immediately to the left of this field. This program cost also applies to the apportionment code entered on this same horizontal line. Once funds are authorized by minute order, only TPP(P) can change the program cost field to account for additional authorized funds.

Appl Pct (Applied Percent) – Required field. This three-digit field with one decimal place is the percent of the construction cost that will be applied to the work program and apportionment code. For each listed work program number and apportionment code, the Appl Pct field must be input by the district. Once funds are authorized, only TPP(P) can change the applied percent field. The applied percent field for authorized funds must total 100%. Note: If the funds are a fixed amount, the applied percent field should be left blank. See Fixed Flag for further discussion.

Appn Code (Apportionment Code) – Required field. This three-character field contains the funding code for the program of work. Codes are described in the TACS table DCSAPORT, (see Category Selections). Code 999 is for state funded projects. All other apportionment codes are for federal participating funds. The district must enter an apportionment code for each work program entry on this screen. The apportionment code for each work program is determined by DES(LM) and TPP(P).

Category – Required field. This field (space for four characters) represents the ‘general’ funding category of work in the department’s UTP. The district must enter a category for each work program entry on this screen. Entries in this field are validated by TACS table DCSCATA (see Category Selections) which contains the category names and numbers. Note: For a long-range project, the district must show which category the project will most likely be funded from when it is moved into the department’s UTP.

Fixed Flag – This field (space for one character) contains the flag that indicates whether the funds are a fixed amount to be applied toward the estimated construction cost of the project. An “X” in this field indicates the amount shown in the authorized amount field is a fixed amount that cannot be changed. If this field is blank (no entry) the applied percent field will be used. After the project is let, the fixed amount (if any) will be subtracted from the low bid amount minus local contribution before any of the other percentages are applied. Note: Fixed funds will not have an entry in the applied percent field. Contact TPP(P) for assistance in using the fixed flag to balance a bank balance work program.

Row Cost – This field (space for eleven digits) represents in whole dollars the state’s remaining right-of-way (ROW) cost identified project. If no right-of-way funds are needed, this field should be zero. Where ROW cost is to be charged to a work program in categories 4B, 4C, or 5, include the ROW amount in the authorized amount field and leave the ROW field $0.

Funct (Function Code) FM and TO – Restricted fields. These two fields (three digits each) indicate the from and to function code range approved for this project in the work program. These fields are input and updated only by TPP(P). When projects are authorized and established in FIMS, the function code range represents the range of allowable charges until letting.

Date – Restricted field. This field is the date of the commission minute order that authorized this project. This field can be entered only by TPP(P). This field is entered and displayed in MMYY order.

Min Ord Number – Restricted field. This field is the number of the commission minute order approving the work program or project. Alpha characters can be used as interim indicators of administrative approval. Projects must have approval of the commission (number of a minute order) before the project can be let to contract or funds transferred or otherwise expended. TPP(P) is responsible for entering the restricted fields such as minute order numbers on the finance screen.

Total Authorized Amount – This is the calculated sum of authorized program costs for this project. Authorized amount(s) are authorized when the minute order number and date and function code fields are displayed on the same horizontal line as the program cost.

Max Fed Funds – This field is for Transportation Enhancement Projects only. Dollar amount for federal funds are authorized by the Commission. These funds cannot be increased without Commission action. The authorized amount will reflect the total amount for construction, federal dollars and local match.

Anchor: #i1011098

Project Finance-Percent Screen Layout

Following is a copy of a blank project finance-percent screen showing the federal, state and local participation percent and amounts. Information from this screen is used to update the STIP - View Only Screen and is used in the funding calculations at the bottom of the project estimate.

Blank Project Finance-Percent screen. (click in image to see full-size image) Anchor: #i1000529grtop

Figure 2-3. Blank Project Finance-Percent screen.

NOTE: The district must correct the federal, state, or local % (percents) shown on this screen so that the STIP information will be correct. For all projects, press the ENTER key or press PF1, PF2, PF3, PF4, PF5, PF6, or PF7 key to update information.

Anchor: #i1011125

Fields on Project Finance-Percent Screen

Brief descriptions of the fields on the project finance-percent screen (P2C) follow in physical order (order of location on the screen). This information is also found in the DCIS Data Dictionary for File 121.

CTL-SEC-JOB – This field is a display of the project’s control-section-job number.

Estimated Const Cost – This field is a display of the district’s latest estimated construction amount for this project, including miscellaneous cost and other participation without engineering and contingencies from the P1 screen.

Part. Waived Project – This field is updated by district personnel (input Y for yes or N for no). Participation waived project is a project whose match requirement is filled by an equivalent match project performed by the county.

Local Contribution – This field is a display from the P2 screen of the estimated amount the district expects to receive from local entities toward the project’s estimated construction cost, not including local matching funds (local cost). District input of local contribution must be done on the project finance screen (P2).

Econ. Dis. Co. Project – This field is updated by district personnel (input Y for yes or N for no). Economically disadvantaged county project is a project where the county has applied and the Commission has approved a lesser percentage of match than normally required.

Remaining Const Cost – This nine-digit field is a calculated field showing the remaining construction cost after any local contribution is subtracted from the project’s estimated construction cost. After the project is let and the Low Bid Amount field is greater than zero, this field Remaining Const Cost is a calculated field showing the remaining construction cost after any local contribution is subtracted from the Low Bid Amount. Apportionment code(s) percentages will be applied to the amount shown in this field, after any fixed flag funds are first subtracted.

Appn Code (Apportionment Code) – This field is a display of all apportionment codes from the project finance screen (P2). Up to ten codes can be displayed. If an apportionment code is shown more than once on the project finance screen, it is shown the same number of times on the project finance-percent screen.

Applied % (Percent) – This field is a display of percent of the remaining construction cost to be applied to the apportionment code. This information is a display from the project finance screen (P2).

PGM Cost – This field is a display of the program cost for each apportionment code from the project finance screen (P2).

Federal Cost % (Percent) – This three-digit field with one decimal place is the percentage that will be applied to the program cost of the apportionment code to calculate the Federal Cost (federal participation). The percent field is a default value based on the apportionment code. If other percentages are applicable (other than the default values), the district must enter the correct percent manually. The display of Federal Cost is based on the percent.

NOTE: Federal is FHWA participation.

State Cost % (Percent) – This three-digit field with one decimal place is the percentage that will be applied to the program cost of the apportionment code to calculate the STATE COST (state matching or total cost). The percent field is a default value based on the apportionment code. If other percentages are applicable (other than the default values), the district must enter the correct percent manually. The display of STATE COST is based on the percent.

Local Cost % (Percent) – This three-digit field with one decimal place is the percentage that will be applied to the program cost of the apportionment code to calculate the Local Cost (local matching cost). The default percent for local is zero. If there is any local matching funds, the district must enter the correct percent manually.

Correct information is essential. Districts are responsible for this information in DCIS. The display of Local Cost is based on the percent.

NOTE: Local is any entity other than FHWA or the state. Local matching funds may come from a city, county, etc.

Total Federal Cost – This nine-digit field is the calculated sum of all federal participation in the project’s estimated construction cost. All federal costs shown are added.

Total State Cost – This nine-digit field is the calculated sum of all state participation in the project’s estimated construction cost. All state costs shown are added.

Total Local Cost – This nine-digit field is the calculated sum of local matching costs in the project’s estimated construction cost. All local costs shown are added.

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