Anchor: #i1000638

Section 2: Overview of Project Development in DCIS

Anchor: #i1005542


The Design and Construction Information System. The Design and Construction Information System (DCIS) is the Texas Department of Transportation’s automated information system used for planning, programming, and developing projects. DCIS is an essential part of preparing construction projects for contract letting. Project information such as, work descriptions, funding requirements, and dates for proposed activities can be found in DCIS.

For more information click on ROSCOE.

Anchor: #i1005561

DCIS Project Development Stages

The following list the stages of project development supported by DCIS:

  1. Authorization and Programming
  2. Advance Project Development
  3. Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) Development
  4. Contract Bidding and Awarding
  5. Post Letting

A summary of each stage is illustrated in the following subsections.

Anchor: #i1005601

Authorization and Programming

In the authorization and programming stage, the Commission authorizes funds for programs of work and for specific projects. The Austin office and the districts do the following:

Austin Office:

  • Establish guidelines for specific types of projects
  • Identify work program numbers in DCIS for specific programs of work.


  • Identify needs.
Anchor: #i1005636

Advance Project Development

In the advance project development stage, the Austin office and the districts complete the following:

Austin Office:

  • Establish authorized CSJs in DCIS for funded projects
  • Update, evaluate and monitor work programs and specific projects
  • Review and approve studies


  • Plan projects according to guidelines
  • Identify projects by planning CSJ in DCIS
  • Estimate the project’s cost and use appropriate work program number to indicate how project is to be funded
  • Request authorized CSJ
  • Update, evaluate and monitor work programs and projects
  • Conduct studies
Anchor: #i1005701

Plans, Specifications, and Estimate Development

In the PS&E development stage, the Austin office and districts complete the following:

Austin Office:

  • Review and approve design and agreements
  • Review and approve PS&E
  • Finalize plans, general notes, plot estimate and quantity (E&Q) sets
  • Prepare contract bid proposal documents.


  • Prepare plans
  • Finalize agreements
  • Prepare specifications lists and general notes.
  • Complete bid items, estimates and summary:
    • Prepare and submit PS&E.
Anchor: #i1005770

Contract Bidding and Awarding

In the Contract Bidding and Awarding stage, the Austin office and districts complete the following:

Austin Office:

  • Receive bids, monitor and analyze bids
  • Recommend bid acceptance to commission
  • Commission award contracts


  • Monitor and analyze bids (over and under runs) and recommend bid acceptance
Anchor: #i1005810

Post Letting

In the post letting stage, the Austin office and districts complete the following:

Austin Office:

  • Review and approve field changes.


  • Supervise contract job until complete
  • Recommend change orders as needed.
Anchor: #i1005845


The DCIS Reports Guide (Chapter 5 of this manual) describes the DCIS reports available through the ROSCOE system using the RJEJCL procedures.

Following are brief discussions of ROSCOE and RJEJCL. Refer to Chapter 5 for a more detailed discussion.

Anchor: #i1005867


The department’s ROSCOE (and regional ROSCOE) system is the means to obtain reports from DCIS information and execute batch programs to update certain records in DCIS.

The name to use for ROSCOE depends on the geographic region of the user. ROSCOE regional names are listed in Chapter 5, Section 1.

For more information click on RJEJCL.

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