Manual Notice: 2006-2

From: Mark A. Marek, P.E.

Manual: DCIS User Manual

Effective Date: June 01, 2006


This manual revision is intended to update various screens and the appropriate instructions for the input and use of data.


Chapter 2 includes a new section. To assist in accurately tracking and reporting expenditures to the Legislature, two new fields have been added to the DCIS Project Finance (P2) screen, "Mobility Percent" and "Preservation Percent".

Chapter 4 has updated instructions for alternate bid items.


Address questions concerning information contained in this Manual Notice to the Letting Management Office, Design Division, at (512) 416-2591.

Copyright Notice

This DCIS User Manual and all future revisions: Copyright ©2006 by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Published by the Design Division (DES). All rights reserved.


Past manual notices are available in a pdf archive.

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