Anchor: #i1000384

Section 2: Coordination with Other Agencies

Anchor: #i1000389

Reservoir Agencies

Public agencies and entities that sponsor reservoirs include the following:

See Contacts for information on contacting these and other agencies. Additional sponsors include counties, cities, and political subdivisions such as utility districts and drainage districts. These agencies provide reservoirs for flood control, hydroelectric power, water supply, recreation, and land conservation.

Anchor: #i1000428

TxDOT Coordination

Any creation of a reservoir or the improvement of a reservoir that may have an impact on a TxDOT roadway requires coordination between the reservoir sponsoring agency and TxDOT. The two regulatory agencies most involved with reservoirs are the TCEQ and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (See Chapter 5). Large reservoir sponsors usually present comprehensive design packages. Private ventures have sponsored reservoirs in Texas, but TxDOT generally does not deal directly with private projects because TxDOT has no process to enforce the private sector's obligation to any contract. Therefore, a reservoir project supported by private funds usually requires a contract dealing with a third party (ordinarily a public agency or entity).

The sponsoring agency is required to analyze the proposal and evaluate all impacts to the roadway, and submit the same to TxDOT for review. Mitigation of adverse impacts to the roadway resulting from construction of a reservoir is the responsibility of the reservoir agency. Adverse impacts to the highway include constant or occasional flooding and roadway damage which require relocation, revision of the highway profile, embankment protection, or adjustment of structures in order to keep the roadway in service. Where a state highway is affected, sponsors should assure the department that they are in compliance with State and Federal permits, floodplain ordinances, and environmental clearances.

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