Anchor: #i1007102

Section 5: Roles and Responsibilities for Hydraulic Analysis and Design

This section presents information on the roles and responsibilities of design engineers, managers and consultants in the hydraulic analysis and design process of TxDOT projects.

Anchor: #i1007112

Area/ Design Office Engineers

Design Engineers. The responsibilities of the Design Engineers as they relate to hydraulic analysis and design include the following:

    Anchor: #MIFLNNFN
  • Develop and maintain proficiency and competency in all aspects of hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and design. Educate, train and develop junior engineers and designers.
  • Anchor: #EMMEMJFN
  • Prepare and oversee preparation of drainage analyses and designs including hydrology, open channel hydraulics, bridge hydraulics, culvert hydraulics, storm drains, and pump stations.
  • Anchor: #NHMLGNJH
  • Ensure appropriate coordination and communication between drainage design functions and all other project design functions, including roadway, geotechnical, bridge, and signage.
  • Anchor: #KKQEIINL
  • Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and District/Area Office preferences.
  • Anchor: #JGGKMNHG
  • Provide and maintain documentation of all drainage analyses and designs in accordance with District/Area Office preferences and this manual.
  • Anchor: #IUEEILKG
  • Develop and maintain systematic documentation files of facility experiences either at the district or at the local level
  • Anchor: #EKKINFFF
  • Provide quality control techniques for work performed by subordinates and perform quality assurance on the work.
  • Anchor: #HNNKIJIM
  • Promptly report drainage complaints to the District Hydraulics Engineer (DHE).
  • Anchor: #NHNFFEHE
  • Promptly notify the DHE of any significant runoff and flood events and collect appropriate data (photographs, survey data, etc) for documentation.

Consultant Engineers. The responsibilities of Consultant Engineers as they relate to hydraulic analysis and design of TxDOT projects include the following:

    Anchor: #KKKKFGNI
  • Develop and maintain proficiency and competency in all aspects of hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and design. Educate, train and develop junior engineers and designers.
  • Anchor: #FLHEJKIH
  • Prepare and oversee preparation of drainage analyses and designs, including hydrology, open channel hydraulics, bridge hydraulics, culvert hydraulics, storm drains, and pump stations.
  • Anchor: #JEEEMHGE
  • Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and District/Area Office preferences.
  • Anchor: #MLHIJLEN
  • Provide and maintain documentation of all drainage analyses and designs in accordance with District/Area Office preferences and this manual.
  • Anchor: #MENEGGGI
  • Provide quality control for work performed by subordinates.
  • Anchor: #SLLILMJE
  • Comply with contract scope and requirements.
Anchor: #i1010820

TxDOT Contract Managers

    Anchor: #GOMFINNN
  • Oversee consultant work authorizations in accordance with Design Division – Consultant Contract Office (DES-CCO) “ Roles and Responsibilities” table.
  • Anchor: #FHNHILKG
  • Review consultant work to ensure compliance with contract scope, applicable laws, regulations, policies, District/Area Office preferences, and adherence to TxDOT comments and directives.
Anchor: #i1010886

TxDOT Project Managers

    Anchor: #FPHIHIMI
  • Direct and coordinate preparation of drainage analyses and designs, including hydrology, open channel hydraulics, bridge hydraulics, culvert hydraulics, storm drains, and pump stations.
  • Anchor: #FTJFHJLL
  • Verify compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and District/Area Office preferences.
  • Anchor: #IKIEMEII
  • Ensure and oversee documentation of all drainage analyses and designs in accordance with District/Area Office preferences.
  • Anchor: #GOSLGILN
  • Provide quality assurance for work performed by subordinates.
  • Anchor: #EIMEIEGH
  • Promptly report drainage complaints to the District Hydraulics Engineer (DHE).
  • Anchor: #MNMKMIJL
  • Promptly notify the DHE of any significant rainfall/runoff and flood events and collect appropriate data (photographs, survey data, etc) for documentation.
  • Anchor: #GQEEEEFK
  • Oversee consultant work authorizations in accordance with DES-CCO “Roles and Responsibilities” table.
  • Anchor: #LQKIIHKI
  • Review consultant work (Work Authorizations) to ensure compliance with contract scope, applicable laws, regulations, policies, District/Area Office preferences, and adherence to TxDOT comments and directives.
  • Anchor: #FJNJNMEG
  • Coordinate with the DHE to identify training needs and pursue training opportunities.
Anchor: #i1011063

District Hydraulics Engineers

    Anchor: #GJMKNKLK
  • Develop and maintain proficiency and competency in all aspects of hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and design. Educate, train and develop junior engineers and designers.
  • Anchor: #KOMHFHML
  • Serve as point of contact for DES-HYD for dissemination of statewide policy, guidance, research, training, software and other related hydraulics and hydrologic issues or needs
  • Anchor: #GEFMLEHN
  • Serve as point of contact for district and area office staff for fundamental expertise on hydraulics and hydrology including consistent application of statewide and district design policy
  • Anchor: #FJGELMEL
  • Serve as the liaison with the DES-HYD on complex hydraulics design and hydraulics-related design or policy issues
  • Anchor: #NNQLGGIF
  • Provide design support and approval for hydraulic and hydrologic methods for use by district, area office, and consultant designers
  • Anchor: #MJHHKKLK
  • Oversee and approve or perform routine hydraulic and hydrologic studies, designs, and analyses for district projects and consultant contracts
  • Anchor: #JMKKMGGE
  • Prepare, review, and comment on or approve hydrologic/hydraulic reports.
  • Anchor: #HLHGKJJI
  • Provide hydraulic, hydrologic and related regulatory review of projects prior to preliminary layout or Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) submission for letting
  • Anchor: #KOKIFNNF
  • Provide mentoring to other district personnel in hydraulics and hydrology and for district staff in hydraulic and hydrology rotation
  • Anchor: #GFGMKHIE
  • Support the district environmental quality coordinator and/or environmental coordinator on hydraulics for environmental and water quality issues
  • Anchor: #JHNMGGGI
  • Investigate and help resolve drainage related issues with the public
  • Anchor: #ILJHMLHN
  • Support district maintenance staff with performance and maintenance of drainage structures, including data collection on chronic problem areas or extreme events
  • Anchor: #SFENJGJH
  • Recommend research and volunteer as research project directors and advisors as approved by the district engineer
  • Anchor: #FELNIEMM
  • Coordinate with local governments, developers, and property owners concerning hydraulics-related issues, including the monitoring of local studies and activities that may impact TxDOT drainage facilities or operations
  • Anchor: #JOFINLHN
  • Coordinate with TxDOT project managers, DES-HYD staff, and District Human Resources staff to provide hydrologic and hydraulic training for TxDOT employees.
Anchor: #i1011163

Design Division Hydraulics Branch (DES-HYD)

    Anchor: #MKKJHKHH
  • Hydraulic Report review - DES-HYD is tasked to review and comment on hydraulic reports with regard to applicability, methodology, detail, documentation, accuracy, and composition. The sealing engineer (District or Consultant) is expected to address all comments and return the report in a timely manner.
  • Anchor: #KNKELJFJ
  • Preliminary review – DES-HYD is tasked to review preliminary designs. Typical designs reviewed include bridges and bridge class culverts. DES-HYD review covers methodology, detail, documentation, and accuracy to TxDOT standards. Preliminary submittals are preferred because they are early enough in the process that design corrections usually can be implemented.
  • Anchor: #JIKLFNJE
  • PS&E review – DES-HYD is tasked to review plans submitted for letting with regard to methodology, detail, documentation, and accuracy to TxDOT standards. The District or its Consultant is expected to make all reasonable changes to the plans prior to letting.
  • Anchor: #GLOEHINI
  • Expert Guidance – DES-HYD is tasked to provide guidance, help, or advice on any hydrology and hydraulics subject as needed and called upon by the District or Area Offices.
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